Official Oldroot Compilation

Official Oldroot Compilation

Postby Werble » Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:29 am

Welcome to The Official Oldroot Compilation Thread

This thread will be updated with all the latest information on Oldroot. PM Werble23 or Ninjanoob if you have any information you wish to share.

Oldroot Structures

This section will be dedicated to buildings confirmed to be built by Oldroot. Here is an album with all the structures

There's a bit of story to go along with the discovery of the Oldtree. It started with me stumbling upon the jukebox hidden inside my UFC(Underground Farming Complex). I found inside the jukebox the record "13" renamed Beneath the Mask. Shortly after this Oldroot logged in, and was waiting for me at the entrance to the UFC. I could tell he was motioning for me to follow him by the way he was moving. I followed him through the netherhub and to spawn. From there we trekked about 200 blocks from spawn to the Oldtree. Immediately upon arrival, he disconnected.
Album of the rest of the Oldtree and the Jukebox
Coordinates- x:127 z:290

Dead Swamp Tree
Album of the rest of the Dead Swamp Tree
Coordinates- x:-259 z:98

Oldroot Signs
This section includes signs randomly scattered around the server that have been linked to Oldroot.

The Mask
The Mask was found when I was showing lilweeph around the Dead Swamp Tree. We under the tree when I notice Oldroot's username above us. We climb out of the hole and confront him. Just like with the Oldtree, he takes off and I chase after him. He again led me through the netherhub. We reached The Mask and he vanished.

Album of the rest of The Mask
Coordinates- x:1614 z:2381

Miscellaneous Signs

These next three were found in a series.

Thanks for taking a look. It's gotten late so this is all I could get done. More will be added shortly!

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Re: Official Oldroot Compilation

Postby Zecrux » Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:20 pm

Under the dead swamp tree there are more signs. Also have you seen the reddit page about OldRoot? ... t_mystery/

When is the last time OldRoot logged on?

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Minecraft IGN: Zecrux

Re: Official Oldroot Compilation

Postby Comic_sans » Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:39 pm

not sure when the last time he was on. but yeah thats the tree! theres more sighns under it saying it was too late or something

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Re: Official Oldroot Compilation

Postby Comic_sans » Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:43 pm

only the tree wasnt dead. and there was a sighn in front of it that said "left by an old player"

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Re: Official Oldroot Compilation

Postby blueumbreon » Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:46 pm

creepy. i always wondered about that tree. it showed me a clue called 'wither"

as you can see, i am above you

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