"o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset griefers

"o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset griefers

Postby Zedwick » Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:15 am

I had a bit of a giggle this morning when I checked the console. I thought the Zedlings might find it entertaining too :P

09:08:23 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db[/] logged in with entity id 2740490 at ([world] 313.5, 0.6200000047683716, 891.5)
09:08:23 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db has logged in for the first time
09:08:23 [INFO] PopDensity: Assigned new player db_JaCkCouGH_db to region Zhuruguo at 3 -5.
09:08:44 [WARNING] db_JaCkCouGH_db moved too quickly! 0.24224500083960265,10.374176138064541,0.24867048237774725 (0.24224500083960265, 10.374176138064541, 0.24867048237774725)
09:08:45 [WARNING] db_JaCkCouGH_db moved too quickly! 0.0,21.5529578677192,0.0 (0.0, 21.5529578677192, 0.0)
09:08:54 [INFO] X_Alpha_Ice[/] logged in with entity id 2742324 at ([world] 300.5, 80.62000000476837, 885.5)
09:08:54 [INFO] X_Alpha_Ice has logged in for the first time
09:08:54 [INFO] PopDensity: Assigned new player X_Alpha_Ice to region Zhuruguo at 3 -5.
09:08:59 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> hey
09:09:11 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> hi
09:09:14 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Muted spam from X_Alpha_Ice: hi
09:09:54 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
09:09:56 [INFO] [AutoMod v0.11.13]: X_Alpha_Ice just lost their build permissions
09:09:56 [INFO] [AutoMod v0.11.13]: Reason: Taking items from a container
09:10:19 [INFO] X_Alpha_Ice lost connection: disconnect.quitting
09:10:19 [INFO] [Honeychest] Player X_Alpha_Ice was caught stealing from honeychest.
09:10:19 [INFO] Stolen Item(s): -(1x DIAMOND_SWORD, 64x WOOD, 28x IRON_INGOT, 64x TORCH)
09:10:19 [INFO] [Honeychest] successfully rolled back stolen items from player X_Alpha_Ice at location (world:1387,73,-1835)
09:10:22 [INFO] X_Alpha_Ice[/] logged in with entity id 2743669 at ([world] 1386.3252734597856, 73.0, -1833.699999988079)
09:10:48 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db[/] logged in with entity id 2743805 at ([world] 1403.522161428878, 81.0, -1794.274947892779)
09:11:01 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> yo where are u ?
09:11:08 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> in some1 house
09:11:12 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> i got stuf
09:11:21 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> haha yaya
09:11:43 [INFO] [AutoMod v0.11.13]: db_JaCkCouGH_db just lost their build permissions
09:11:43 [INFO] [AutoMod v0.11.13]: Reason: Taking items from a container
09:12:06 [INFO] [Honeychest] Player db_JaCkCouGH_db was caught stealing from honeychest.
09:12:06 [INFO] Stolen Item(s): -(71x COAL, 4x NETHER_BRICK, 18x FLINT, 192x LOG, 44x WHEAT, 34x IRON_ORE, 3x EGG, 6x SEEDS, 28x YELLOW_FLOWER, 2x STONE_PICKAXE, 1x DIAMOND_SWORD, 4x SPIDER_EYE, 12x SAPLI
09:12:06 [INFO] [Honeychest] successfully rolled back stolen items from player db_JaCkCouGH_db at location (world:1387,73,-1835)
09:12:15 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db[/] logged in with entity id 2744735 at ([world] 1386.846756784655, 73.0, -1832.3151986143407)
09:12:32 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> wow it said u have been caught stealing from honey cheast
09:12:36 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> chest
09:12:46 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> wait ill take a snap of chat
09:13:03 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> haha
09:13:06 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> wow
09:13:48 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> ill xray to get some quick diamonds
09:13:54 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> XD same
09:14:25 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> oi man do / build
09:14:34 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> i know
09:14:47 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> thats so gay!! cant place or break :/
09:14:52 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> ikr
09:15:05 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> get som1 els to come on ?
09:15:18 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> i dont haveany1
09:15:20 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> oops sorry
09:15:24 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> XD
09:15:31 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> um jake has my old account
09:15:36 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> wade ?
09:16:00 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> shit shit shit
09:16:29 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> house!
09:16:43 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> fuck
09:17:10 [INFO] <X_Alpha_Ice> i cant pick it yp
09:18:15 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db lost connection: disconnect.quitting
db_JaCkCouGH_db[/] logged in with entity id 2747648 at ([world] 1448.2860322479444, 63.0, -1875.2958895716895)
09:18:34 [INFO] <db_JaCkCouGH_db> o wow this servers dud lets leave
09:18:39 [INFO] X_Alpha_Ice lost connection: disconnect.quitting
09:18:45 [INFO] db_JaCkCouGH_db lost connection: disconnect.quitting
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." - Mark Twain

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Re: "o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset grie

Postby Hylindar » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:47 am

<3 our grief protection :D

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Re: "o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset grie

Postby LadyBountiful » Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:24 pm


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Re: "o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset grie

Postby chester1525 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:49 pm

Made my day! XD

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Re: "o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset grie

Postby lloydie321 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:23 pm


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Re: "o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset grie

Postby DanDan333 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:30 am

Lmfao..Fail :lol:

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Re: "o wow this servers dud lets leave" A tale of upset grie

Postby DemonInuyahsa » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:44 pm

Sounds like a normal day for me. The minds of some people. :roll:

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