We're here to keep LVS free of shenaniganning hooligans, raggamuffins, and scoundrels and as our first order of business we'll be investigating the illeagul possession and trade of Swammies.*
If you're interested in joining the ZPD's ranks, please leave a notice here or contact Bart or myself.
- Chief of Police ---------------------------------------------------------- D_Stark
Deputy Chief ------------------------------------------------------------- Dahunt165
Deputy Sheriff (x1 per city max) -------------------------------
Chief Detective Inspector ----------------------------------------- SneakySkeleton21
Detective Inspector (no limit) -----------------------------------
Police Captain (x1 per city max) --------------------------------
Police Officer (no limit) ---------------------------------------------
Credit to Bartman51 for laborously building the ZPD building.
All jobs are for roleplaying purposes only and come with no extra powers. All players are encouraged to report misconduct, not just the police force. No positions will be paid.
*Contact Bart for a definition of Swammies