by QuDubz » Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:32 am
Making a community build is a great idea, however there is some things that you guys have to do before even thinking of starting one.
What to build? You are already bringing out great idea's for this one here on the forum. All well.
Where to build it? Might not be the biggest problem either.
How do you get all the materials? (Not that big of a problem if people are willing to use their own stuff, but what if they are not?)
Who is leading the project? (Make sure it's someone who KNOWS how to build properly)
How do you coordinate it all? (How do you make sure that players knows what, how, and where to build stuff?)
What do you do if someone doesn't build stuff as you would like it to be built? (Do you tear it all down? Keep it as it is? Throw the builder off the team? etc.)
There is most likely alot more of these questions, that you gotta have answered before starting, i just can't think of any right now.