Another discussion topic:
Just a quick mention about the scavenger hunt as it has now started, the hand-in date for answers is the 17th and anyone can enter and is currently taking place at the new warp, just jump down the hole behind the warp, follow the clues and make the 10 letter word!
Anyone who completes it will receive a
special, zedwick approved,
prize. Also, a quick mention on "WaddleWatch" which may also have a prize for posting a photo on the forums with the legendary pig...
Also. Bartman's topic last meeting was not discussed at all, due to bartman's abscence
Also, i had a thought about "advanced zedling" (easily could come up with a better name.
Orange is a colour similar to Yellow, and has had a use on LVS in the past. However, it could be re-purposed as another "Play time" related Colour, like zedling. Not sure how much in-game time it could be, a day? 2 days? a week??? I don't know, Nor do i know if they would get privaleges or not, just a thought...