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[LVS] Council Meeting Pre-Agenda 7/3/15

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:43 pm
by SneakySkeleton
Hey all!

This is the Pre-Meeting Agenda for the next council meeting which will be held at my council hall on the 7th of March, 8pm GMT.

I only have one topic to raise myself, which is that I believe Suzie stepped down from the council (she said this in another post) Therefore I believe there is one space left in the council. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
EDIT: Also, we discussed last meeting about a possible council meeting day change, maybe Sunday?

Please post your topics here, I will try to have this meeting as short and as organised as possible.

-SneakySkeleton ;)

Re: [LVS] Council Meeting Pre-Agenda 7/3/15

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:43 am
by Memery
There was mumbling in the chat yesterday about whether it would be possible for a /coords or /coordinates command which would automatically post your coordinates in chat for people to use just as an easy shortcut.

Wanted to know people's thoughts on this and if it would be possible :D

Also an update on the new warp might be nice? Maybe? :D