Regarding Name Changes
Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:47 am
by Refefhs
Hello, I was wondering, since my name Refefhs is not my original username, that if I change it back, will the server still recognize me or make me start over? I am asking because I want to change my name back to the original one.
Thank You,
Re: Regarding Name Changes
Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:33 am
by Zedwick
Unfortunately, the scoreboard feature which tracks your time played on the server and zedling status does not support name changes. If you change your name, you will lose Zedling status, or any progress towards Zedling status. I have been working on an external script to fix this issue, but. Is not yet quite ready.
With regards to your inventory, player location, bed location etc.: these will remain, no matter what you change your name to.
So you'll keep your stuff, but will need to start over in playing 15 hours to become a Zedling.