▓ A Guide to the Nether

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▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby SneakySkeleton » Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:05 pm


This forum post is going to hopefully teach you a few things about:

▓The Nether and the Overworld - Faster Travel
▓Portal coordinates and how to accurately calculate them.
LVS HUB Rules and Guidelines

▓The Nether and the Overworld - Faster Travel

It is quite annoying that travelling in the Overworld from A to B can sometimes take quite a long time. That is why most use the Nether, especially Nether Hubs, for faster travel. The reason people use the nether, is because travelling 1 block in the Nether is equal to travelling 8 blocks in the Overworld! Didn't get that? The picture below may help you. (May need to zoom in/double click)

It is 8x quicker to travel in the Nether! That could save you a lot time, and maybe a lot of rails. ;)

▓Portal coordinates and how to accurately calculate them.

A lot of players get annoyed at the fact that they sometimes have to share a portal. Sharing is caring, but it is always nice to have your own portal, so you can do what you want with it. When you create your nether portal, and first go through it, the portal may not be placed accurately, or it may be connecting to another portal. This can cause problems, and can potentially lose you time. Your portal may be connecting to a portal which is further away from your next destination, which is not nice. There is a way to fix these portal connection issues, so no need to worry!
As mentioned in the last section, travelling 1 block in the Nether is equal to travelling 8 blocks in the Overworld. That gives us the way to calculate our portal placement accurately.
To find where to place your portal accurately, you need to divide your X and Z coordinates by 8!
NOTE: Don't divide your Y coordinate! See "Solution for Problem 2" below.
Here is an example:
Your X coordinate is -2890. -2890÷8=-361
Your Z coordinate is 6734. 6734÷8=841.75
*Basic rounding, if it is less than or equal to .49, round down to the nearest whole number, and if it is greater than or equal to .50, round up to the nearest whole number.
So in this case, the portal should be placed at X=-361 Z=842

There is the basic explanation or accurate portal placement!

If you are having problems, such as connecting to another's portal, it may be because of the following reasons:
1. The other's portal is not accurately placed.
2. Your/their portal is too low on the Y level.
3.The portals are simply too close to one another.

Solution for Problem 1. If someone's portal is not accurately placed, ask them to move it, if possible. If they need help, refer them to a Zriend.
Solution for Problem 2. Y levels can muck things up, a lot. When walking through a portal in the Overworld, into the Nether, you will go to a portal that has the nearest y level to the Overworld portal you went through. Even if your portal is accurately placed, it will take you to a nearby unnaccurately placed one which is nearer to the Overworld portal's Y level if there is one to go to. It is strongly advised to keep your tunnels at hub level if possible, if not, at least have it over Y=100 in the Nether.

LVS Nether HUB - Guidelines and Rules

1. Do NOT create an extension of another player's tunnel without given permission by the tunnel owner or a Zriend.
The reason being for this, is a player does not always want an extension added to their tunnel. You MUST either ask the player for permission, or ask a Zriend to help out.

2. Do NOT mine in the HUB if the protection system fails. If you notice it being down, please let a Zriend know.
This is a serious one, as it obviously falls in with the "No GRIEFING" rule. Please do not alter anything; even if it is your tunnel entrance if the hub protection is down. You are free to alter your tunnel which is outside of any protection zone.

3. Do NOT try to alter any other player's portals/tunnels in an attempt to place the portal accurately. If there are portal problems, ask a Zriend for guidance.
Again, this is counted in the "NO GRIEFING" rule. If there are no Zriends on at the time, message one of us on the forums, and we'll try to help out. When doing so, give us the co-ordinates of their current portal in the nether, and we will fix it accordingly.

4. Do NOT make any buildings/ways to access the nether roof. It is against the rules on Zedwork. If you find one, notify a Zriend or a Guardian.
This is Zedwick's ruling, please obey it.

5. To keep your HUB entrance, you must be active. (This only applies to the Main HUB and Warp HUBs)
Your tunnel may be re-routed to free up space in the hub for more active players.
*6 months of inactivity + un-decorated tunnel = entrance able to be re-claimed. Your portal co-ordinates will be noted and kept safe.
*1 year of inactivity + decorated tunnel = tunnel re-routed to connect with the nearest border tunnel (N, E, S, W). Your new entrance will be noted and you will be notified if you re-join. If your tunnel is extremely complicated, you will most likely keep your entrance and tunnel where they are.

6. If your tunnel is a 1x2 netherrack tunnel, and does not directly lead to a nether portal, it can be removed.
If you would like your 1x2 tunnel to remain, please make it VERY CLEAR that you intend to decorate it, or that it leads to your portal. Using signs to tell others its your tunnel is probably the best idea, but you can also use another decorative block to indicate it is not a quartz mining tunnel.

7. Use signs to indicate a tunnel/portal is yours.
It helps Zriends when they are working out issues in the nether, and it will also help people find your base easier.

:!: Try to place your portal above y=100 in the nether, although that does not mean put it on the nether roof.

:!: If you'd like to put signs up in the hub, use the Notice room (Main HUB, Spawn Floor, Lapis Entrance) There are signs in a chest especially for the hub, so anyone can place them.

:!: Make your nether tunnel 2 wide and 3 high to be able to get horses down it. It also allows people to recognise a proper tunnel and what looks like a quartz mining tunnel.

:!: If a Zriend has left you to mine the rest of your tunnel, and you're unsure of where to put your portal, use the !calc nether (x, y, z) command in chat. It will give you the co-ordinates for an accurate placement.(Also, refer to first post for more info)

:!: If your portal co-ordinates are close to 0 on any axis, you are probably close to a border tunnel. You are free to connect to these tunnels without the permission of a Zriend, as long as your tunnel fits in-between the pillars.

More Information:
:!: If you have any questions about how to use the HUBs or the nether, please feel free to ask a Zriend, or anyone else online. They may be able to help you out.

LVS Nether HUB - Rules Update

Community Tunnel Rules:
Warp HUB Tunnels:

1. Do NOT connect to a Warp HUB tunnel without the permission of the Warp Mayor.
If you wish to connect to a Warp HUB tunnel (for example: Ex. Hills Tunnel) you MUST have permission from the Warp Mayor, as it is their decision whether they allow people to connect to the tunnel or not. If the Warp Mayor is absent, you can ask a Zriend for help.

2. You should NOT obstruct any part of the tunnel for your entrance.
This means that you should not re-direct/un-power/block any part of the tunnel's rails, ice roads etc. Also, if a Warp Mayor has specific instructions for where your entrance should go in the tunnel, please follow them.

(All normal HUB rules also apply here)

HUB Border Tunnels:

1. You should keep your entrance in-between the pillars in the tunnel design.
This means that the stairs in each of the tunnel designs are where you should put your entrance. If you are confused, just have a look at someone else's entrance. You should not remove the pillars for an entrance.

2. You should NOT obstruct any part of the tunnel for your entrance.
This means that you should not re-direct/un-power/block any part of the tunnel's rails, ice roads etc. You may put signs/banners on the pillars of the tunnel to sign your entrance.

(All normal HUB rules also apply here)

As per usual, if you have any questions, ask a Zriend, or leave a question on this post, and it should be answered as soon a possible! :D

You may have known all that, if you did, well, it doesn't hurt to revise it ;). If you didn't, you now do! :D
If there is anything you don't understand in this guide, or anything that I need to correct, please tell me. Also, if there is anything I may have missed that you want to know about, again, ask me, and I will add to this guide if I know about it.

Thanks for reading.
Last edited by SneakySkeleton on Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:46 pm, edited 8 times in total.
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby HOMINIX » Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:49 am

Thank you for putting the time in to write this! This is super helpful! 8-)
Last edited by HOMINIX on Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mayor of Savannah Springs

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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby LadyBountiful » Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:26 am

Thanks Sneaky. This will be invaluable.

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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby ScarySpider » Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:41 pm

thanks a bunch sneaky that was so much more helpful than other things i have looked at

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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby blueumbreon » Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:49 am

thanks a bunch for this guide! now i can actually use the nether with ease :D

as you can see, i am above you

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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby SneakySkeleton » Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:44 pm

LVS Nether HUB - Guidelines and Rules

1. Do NOT create an extension of another player's tunnel without given permission by the tunnel owner or a Zriend.
The reason being for this, is a player does not always want an extension added to their tunnel. You MUST either ask the player for permission, or ask a Zriend to help out.

2. Do NOT mine in the HUB if the protection system fails. If you notice it being down, please let a Zriend know.
This is a serious one, as it obviously falls in with the "No GRIEFING" rule. Please do not alter anything; even if it is your tunnel entrance if the hub protection is down. You are free to alter your tunnel which is outside of any protection zone.

3. Do NOT try to alter any other player's portals/tunnels in an attempt to place the portal accurately. If there are portal problems, ask a Zriend for guidance.
Again, this is counted in the "NO GRIEFING" rule. If there are no Zriends on at the time, message one of us on the forums, and we'll try to help out. When doing so, give us the co-ordinates of their current portal in the nether, and we will fix it accordingly.

4. Do NOT make any buildings/ways to access the nether roof. It is against the rules on Zedwork. If you find one, notify a Zriend or a Guardian.
This is Zedwick's ruling, please obey it.

5. To keep your HUB entrance, you must be active. (This only applies to the Main HUB and Warp HUBs)
Your tunnel may be re-routed to free up space in the hub for more active players.
*6 months of inactivity + un-decorated tunnel = entrance able to be re-claimed. Your portal co-ordinates will be noted and kept safe.
*1 year of inactivity + decorated tunnel = tunnel re-routed to connect with the nearest border tunnel (N, E, S, W). Your new entrance will be noted and you will be notified if you re-join. If your tunnel is extremely complicated, you will most likely keep your entrance and tunnel where they are.

:!: Try to place your portal above y=100 in the nether, although that does not mean put it on the nether roof.

:!: If you'd like to put signs up in the hub, use the Notice room (Main HUB, Spawn Floor, Lapis Entrance) There are signs in a chest especially for the hub, so anyone can place them.

:!: Make your nether tunnel 2 wide and 3 high to be able to get horses down it. It also allows people to recognise a proper tunnel and what looks like a quartz mining tunnel.

:!: If a Zriend has left you to mine the rest of your tunnel, and you're unsure of where to put your portal, use the !calc nether (x, y, z) command in chat. It will give you the co-ordinates for an accurate placement.(Also, refer to first post for more info)

:!: If your portal co-ordinates are close to 0 on any axis, you are probably close to a border tunnel. You are free to connect to these tunnels without the permission of a Zriend, as long as your tunnel fits in-between the pillars.

More Information:
:!: If you have any questions about how to use the HUBs or the nether, please feel free to ask a Zreind, or anyone else online. They may be able to help you out.
Last edited by SneakySkeleton on Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby SneakySkeleton » Sun May 21, 2017 9:26 pm

LVS Nether HUB - Rules Update

Community Tunnel Rules:
Warp HUB Tunnels:

1. Do NOT connect to a Warp HUB tunnel without the permission of the Warp Mayor.
If you wish to connect to a Warp HUB tunnel (for example: Ex. Hills Tunnel) you MUST have permission from the Warp Mayor, as it is their decision whether they allow people to connect to the tunnel or not. If the Warp Mayor is absent, you can ask a Zriend for help.

2. You should NOT obstruct any part of the tunnel for your entrance.
This means that you should not re-direct/un-power/block any part of the tunnel's rails, ice roads etc. Also, if a Warp Mayor has specific instructions for where your entrance should go in the tunnel, please follow them.

(All normal HUB rules also apply here)

HUB Border Tunnels:

1. You should keep your entrance in-between the pillars in the tunnel design.
This means that the stairs in each of the tunnel designs are where you should put your entrance. If you are confused, just have a look at someone else's entrance. You should not remove the pillars for an entrance.

2. You should NOT obstruct any part of the tunnel for your entrance.
This means that you should not re-direct/un-power/block any part of the tunnel's rails, ice roads etc. You may put signs/banners on the pillars of the tunnel to sign your entrance.

(All normal HUB rules also apply here)

As per usual, if you have any questions, ask a Zriend, or leave a question on this post, and it should be answered as soon a possible! :D
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby SneakySkeleton » Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:13 pm

This post is no longer correct.
(As of 21st of October 2017)
LVS Nether HUB - Rules Update


1. If your tunnel is a 1x2 netherrack tunnel, and does not directly lead to a nether portal, it can be removed.
If you would like your 1x2 tunnel to remain, please make it VERY CLEAR that you intend to decorate it, or that it leads to your portal. Using signs to tell others its your tunnel is probably the best idea, but you can also use another decorative block to indicate it is not a quartz mining tunnel.
[This was a Guideline, now an official rule]

:!: Use signs to indicate a tunnel/portal is yours. It helps Zriends when they are working out issues in the nether, and it will also help people find your base easier.
Last edited by SneakySkeleton on Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
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Re: ▓ A Guide to the Nether

Postby SneakySkeleton » Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:04 pm

LVS Nether HUB - Rules Update

LVS Nether HUB - Guidelines and Rules Update:

This guideline:
:!: Use signs to indicate a tunnel/portal is yours. It helps Zriends when they are working out issues in the nether, and it will also help people find your base easier.

is now a rule.

This sub-rule:

1. If your tunnel is a 1x2 netherrack tunnel, and does not directly lead to a nether portal, it can be removed.
If you would like your 1x2 tunnel to remain, please make it VERY CLEAR that you intend to decorate it, or that it leads to your portal. Using signs to tell others its your tunnel is probably the best idea, but you can also use another decorative block to indicate it is not a quartz mining tunnel.

has been moved to become a rule.


This was decided at the Council Meeting of 21st of October 2017
The original post and any relevant posts have been updated.
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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