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List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:51 am
by LaLaRichter
Here's a list of the commands I know,

For Claims:
/Accesstrust <name> (Gives a player trust to buttons and levers. Also allows the player to use enderpearls in your claim)
/Abandonclaim (Abandons a claim. I believe if you do it outside of you claim it will abandon all of your claims)
/Claim (using this command with a golden shovel in your inventory will create an 11x11 claim)
/Claimexplosions (Allows the use of tnt Inside of your claim)
/Claimslist (Shows all claims and remaining claim blocks)
/Containertrust <name> (Gives a player trust to containers, anvils, enchant table, etc. Includes all perks in accesstrust)
/Extendclaim (this claim allows you to extend a claim without finding the corners of your claim. look in the direction you would like to extend the claim and do- Example 1: /extendclaim 2 Example 2: /extendclaim -4)
/Permissiontrust <name> (Allows a player to edit the trust on your claim)
/Subdivideclaims (Allows you to make smaller claims inside of an already existing claim *while holding a golden shovel*)
/Trust <name> (Allows a player to build/break in your claim. Includes all perks in containertrust)
/Trustlist (Shows you a list of all players trusted in a claim and what level trust they have)
/Trustpublic (Allows all players on the server to build in your claims. This can also be used with the other levels of trust)
/Untrust <name> (Removes trust for a specific player in the claim the command is issued in)
/Untrust All (Removes trust for all players)

For Regions:
/Visitregion <region name> (Using this command while standing next to a region post will take you to another region)
/Visit <player name> (Allows you to travel to a player's /homeregion if the region is named and the player is online)
/Newestregion (Using this command while standing next to a region post will take you to the current spawn region)
/Cityregion (Using this command while standing next to a region post will take you to the Cityregion)
/Whichregion (Tells you which region you are in)
/Movein (Sets the region you're in as your home region)
/Homeregion (Allows you to return to your home region)
/Invite <player name> (Invites a player to your homeregion)

/Badge Set Zesty (Sets your badge to Zesty if you own the Zesty badge -Donating-)
/Badgelist (Shows a list of your available badges)
/GivePet <player name> (Allows you to right click an animal you own to trade your horses, dogs, and cats to another player)
/Home (Allows you to return the place you have set your home)
/Msg <name> <Msg> (Allows you to send a private msg)
/Ontime (Allows you to see how much time you've spent on the server)
/Ontime Top (Allows you to see the players with the top play times)
/Ping (Allows you to see your ping -High ping is bad. Low ping is good.-)
/R (Replies to a private msg)
/Rulebook Get (This command supplies you with a set of the starter books -Claiming Land and Law of the Land-)
/Sethome (Sets your home)
/Title Set Zedling (Sets your title to Zedling if you own the Zedling title -15 hours of gameplay-)
/Title Set Zesty (Set your title to Zesty -Donation Subscription-)
/Titlelist (Shows a list of your available titles)
/Treesfall (Toggles on and off the gravitree effect -falling trees-)
/Trade <player name> (Allows you to open a trade screen with a player up to 10 blocks away)
/Trapped (Used when you get stuck in another player's land. It teleports you outside of the claim)
/Unlockdrops (allows other players to pick up the items you dropped after you died)

Zesty Subscriber Commands:
/At (allows you to pick an arrow tail)
/Bannermaker (This command allows you to plan out and save banner making instructions with a new GUI!)
/FC Toggle (Fastcraft allows you to see the items you can craft with what is in your inventory when using a crafting table)
/Me (Sends a narrative message in the form of "*Yourname: action" to all players
/Sit (allows you to sit where ever you are)
/Zestygames (Gives you a list of minigames a zesty can start up)

All ! commands are not funtional atm

!Commands: (New public chat commands which show responses in the public chat for all to see. Use ! instead of / for these commands.)

!8ball (Get yes/no style answers to your questions! -!8ball is Zedwick the best owner ever?- )
!calc (Get the answer to mathematical questions -!calc 2x2-)
!circle <number> (to tell you how to build a 1/8 circle as a list of numbers representing the rows of blocks)
!help (To see a list of available ! commands)
!info (See and access a list of info topics -!info commands- )
!mc or !minecraft (Get info on a variety of topics in minecraft. -!mc stone- )
!totaldays (See the total number of IRL days since the world was created)
!twitter (Get a clickable link to Zedwork Twitter -@zedwork-)
!yt or !youtube (Get a list of Youtubers on Zedwork with clickable links to their channels)

So there you have it ^_^ If I think of any more commands I'll make sure to add them.

--LaLa <3

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:58 pm
by Retrophile
Thanks for that. it's nice to have a simple list in a handy place. It's even handier if a user copies it and saves it into a local file that they can print and keep handy.

I did think I had spotted a couple of missing commands, there was the command for self promotion to zedling once enough hours have been logged and something along the lines of 'Latest Region' to return to the current spawn region?
Then I looked more carefully .. dohh :D ... Well done!

Also note that there a few more commands and general info from Zed in the forum topic 'General Discourse/Updated to 1.8' such as using "/Visit" instead of "/VisitRegion" and "/Invite" instead of "/InviteToRegion" + various trading commands/rules.

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:44 am
by darthduck84
Is this list up to date? I ask because zed seemed to added more stuff since this list was added.

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:44 am
by Zedwick
:D Poor LaLa

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:08 am
by Treiskaideka
From the Zurvival Changelog thread:

New public chat commands which show responses in the public chat for all to see
Use ! instead of / for these commands.
!help - To see a list of available commands
!info - see and access a list of info topics. ( !info commands )
!totaldays - See the total number of IRL days since the world was created
!yt or !youtube - Get a list of Youtubers on Zedwork with clickable links to their channels
!mc or !minecraft - Get info on a variety of topics in minecraft. ( !mc stone )
!8ball - Get yes/no style answers to your questions! ( !8ball is Zedwick the best owner ever? )
!twitter - Get a clickable link to Zedwork Twitter (@zedwork)

I hope, that are all the ! commands? Lala mentioned in game, that she forgot them, so I quickly copied them, so we have a more compact list :D

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:10 pm
by LaLaRichter
Thanks so much, treis! I'll add this to the list at the top :D

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:36 pm
by Skappy
Not sure if that is different on ZZ, but at least on LVS there are also the commands
!lastseen <name> (to check when someone was online for the last time)
!baninfo <name> (to check if a person is banned and for what reason)
!hoursplayed (to see how long you've been online in total)
!totaldeaths (for the total number of deaths)
!lastdeath (for the time that passed since you last died)
!circle <number> (to tell you how to build a 1/8 circle as a list of numbers representing the rows of blocks)
not sure if I missed any

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:57 pm
by Zedwick
i couldn't yet port some of the LVS commands, and things are structured a little different for Zz.

!circle does work on Zz, the rest do not.

Re: List of Commands [Zz]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:10 pm
by LousyMiner
Is there a command to link a forum post in-game? Something like !zf=1234?

Re: Forum Linking

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:17 pm
by Mellorian
I've already seen Lousy in game to tell him, but may as well put it here also:

zf-#### lets you link to a forum post directly from chat in the servers.

For example, typing zf-1829 in chat would make a link to this forum post!
You can see the forum post number in the URL! It shows up as t=1829 for this post.