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Computer troubles.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:16 pm
by SwayLight
For awhile now a lot of you have known that I have a terrible comp, when 1.9 first came out I crashed every 2-3 minutes, this was fixed when I installed optifine for 1.9, however whenever mojang releases a new update I have to wait for optifine to come out before I can play. For whatever reason, with 1.9.4 even with optifine, I am having really big issues with my computer loading mc. Sometimes it will load fine and I can play and other times I end up with horrible lagg and end up crashing. I will try to get this resolved but as I cannot afford a new PC I find that it may take some time.

I just wanted to explain my absence lately and I still plan to re-develop the jungle warp, It'll just be slower than I had planned.

Re: Computer troubles.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:28 pm
by Sneeze_Attack
I might know a fix for you, depending on if your RAM can take it.

In the Edit profile area where you change your profile, go onto the JVM arguments, look for Xmn- and -Xmx. -Xmn means minimum RAM usage and -Xmx means maximum RAM usage, I think MC starts dropping frames A LOT then shuts down afterwards when this limit is exceeded.

Just in case you didn't know.

Have you tried changing it? I suggest Xmn should be 32M or 1M (M for Megabyte not MB), and have -Xmx at maybe 1024M (or 1G). If you only have 1GB of RAM (which I'm sure you have more) then change it to half.

Hope this helps. :)
