Hello everyone.
I have added a new rule to the Domount Rule Board, as it has become necessary to remove inactive builds, because they are about 50% of Domount at this moment.
There are 18 inactive players: ThatNurd, Tjob, fisher2360 (he hasn't been in the town in ages, and he has a base there), MurdererPenguin, QueenStark, INeedMoreCoffee, OPNOOB, manvan14, Ray_0, Nova(something), TheHarrex, Foxite_, FoxyTheHusky, mr_youtuber, blobofepicnes, and 3 more players that we don't know the names of.
Our plans on making Domount better and active again include removing inactive builds, so the town would look better.
The rule:
Inactive players' (>60 days) builds will be demolished, they will get a 14 day notice and their stuff would be safely stored in "Piggu Storage".
We already had people agreeing to this rule:
I'll add photos later.
Please inform me of your opinion on this new rule.
Your friendly neighborhood turtle ,
Domount's mayor.