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[Zz] Regions map

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:26 am
by dnishimura

I had this idea to make a collaborative map of all regions, and I'd like to discuss if it's really a good idea:

It's not a map exactly, it's more like a matrix of regions. The idea is to have people filling the cells, in a collaborative way, pretty much the same way the server works, and it'll create a visual representation of the regions.

Link to the google spreadsheet:

In my opinion, when you view the spreadsheet, you create a map on your head, and it helps you to locate yourself better in the world.. we can have a bigger picture of where regions are located.

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:18 pm
by Einhaender
I like the idea; It's much cleaner than the little map I've had XD

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:54 pm
by Treiskaideka
Oh, I really like that idea.
I just have a hand drawn map plus notes of important regions myself.
I'd really like to participate and the way you choose to create a visual presenation of it is very practical and if people use the note feature also very usefull.
But maybe you could make it bigger? The newisch Regions Fredanria, Sandrouse, Mmxiv ect are for example at x -5400 (at least I think. I had a x and z coordinate mix up on my map)

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:29 pm
by Zedwick
This is very good, looking forward to seeing it all populated.

The proposed worldborder will be at around 15000-20000, so expanding the size of the sheet to cover -20000 to 20000 should cover everyone's regions.

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:49 am
by chester1525
It would also be best to color your cell according to the biom that region post is in, names for colors are taken from the google documents:
ocean = light blue 1
plains = light green 2
general forests = dark green 1
jungle = green (lime green)
snowy = white
hardened ice = cyan
mesa = orange
desert = yellow
mooshroom island = purple
swamp = dark green 3
mega taiga = dark orange 2
extreme hills = dark yellow 1
flower forest = pink

I like to thank dnishimura for creating the document.

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:37 pm
by Suggex
I like chester's idea of showing the different biomes in the spreadsheet instead of how it is currently done. I also believe that it would be good to have a way of showing whether or not the region is occupied, maybe we could do a bold cursive for that or something else that's prominent enough.

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:49 pm
by dnishimura
I like both ideas, coloring by biome and somehow showing if the region is occupied or not.
However, sometimes it's weird.. the Cosay region has a Ocean biome, but it's surrounded by land... it's not quite descriptive...

I'm also putting bold at all cell regions that has someone living near the region post, as suggested by suggex =)

Thank you all for helping build this map =)

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:19 pm
by SirOverskill
This is an awesome idea, really practical and you can do some great things with it. I had the idea of maybe putting hyperlinks in the cells linking to a page on the wiki (an idea Zed is toying with and I think would work well with a proper map like this). We also need to sort out the boundaries, since there will be a limit (around 20000 from spawn, if I'm correct).

Again, this is awesome.

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:36 pm
by Treiskaideka
Wow, Okay I really like the updates done to it! :D
I started to use borders on the cells to describe the region farter away from span instead the imediate surrounding (buildings/islands ect) but I thing that is now covered better by the use of bold and the far better region coloring (good ide chester!)
I really look forward on how this develops and a wiki would be awesome! (But only if the Pumpkin Wars are soemwhere listed)

Re: Regions map

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:08 am
by dnishimura
I've updated the ranges based on some regions I found somewhere.

The map currently ranges:
X: -10k to 30k
Z: -32k to 10k

If you guys know some region outside this range, please let me know and I'll expand the map as necessary.