This is a suggestion for a new '!' command.
There are currently some awesome commands Zed has done, but I have come up with an idea that could benefit a lot of people.
The Idea:
!name / !namecheck - A command that would check [***websites name hidden***] for player's previous IGNs. This would be very useful for players who have found old houses, and want to check the !lastseen command. Sometimes nothing shows up, because they have changed their IGNs.
-> The player would use it in the following way:
!name SneakySkeleton
-> The output would be the following (in this case)
Previous IGNS for SneakySkeleton:
SneakySkeleton 04/02/2015, 18:24:00 (UTC−0)
SneakySkeleton21 (Original)
I understand you have done lots and lots for us, we appreciate all the work you do. This is just a suggestion, hope you like it!