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framed maps at spawn cause lag? relevant for LVS?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:15 pm
by greylag
The mindcrack gang, whose server is in recent versions, just found that the couple of maps in item frames they had in the spawn chunks (which happened to show spawn, but I'm not sure if that's relevant) were causing significant lag.

I know our spawn is pretty laggy on LVS, I'm sure there's lots of reasons for that including just "there's lots of stuff" which fair enough, but maybe this could help? (We do have maps there... right?)

Re: framed maps at spawn cause lag? relevant for LVS?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:32 pm
by Zedwick
Just took a look at our maps in spawn, I don't see any drop in frames when looking at them vs looking the same direction without them on screen.

Our spawn is also not technically located in our spawn chunks, which as I understand it their lag issue seemed to be associated with maps being in the spawn chunk (maybe).

I don't think the maps are causing significant issues for us at spawn. Nice find, though!