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More monsters?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:26 am
by ffMathy
Being a developer myself, I would understand how spawning more monsters typically would generate a higher latency, and the latency on your server is great.

However, I really always dreamt of building a water & lava trap that kills monsters automatically and transfers the loot to me. When walking in the night, it doesn't seem as if there are very many monsters spawning. Can this be changed? And yes, I walked away from any form of player population as far as I could.

Also, do spawners exist in your server? If so, I could find one and use it for my trap idea instead.

Re: More monsters?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:58 am
by Zedwick
We have been experiencing a bug where mobs would not spawn, however I think (hope) this has now been fixed as of earlier today. Let me know if you still find the mobs to be lacking :)

Yes, we do have spawners in the world which generate naturally in caves.

Re: More monsters?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:58 pm
by ffMathy
The amount of monsters is huuuuge now! Perfect!

It's incredible that you managed to implement this so fast, and that you actually do listen. I don't think this is very common on other servers.

Now for my epic loot collector.