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More Server Slots

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:24 pm
by AzuraJay
After being a member of Zedwork it has come to my attention that on weekends (mostly) that it is difficult to get on the server (because it has become more popular as of late). Now I know of the "priority login" that you can get by donating, but I personally do not have the money to spare or I would donate. So I propose that the server be extended to 30 or 35 slots to make room for these new and old members to get on with less difficulty.

-Thank you for reading,

Re: More Server Slots

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:01 pm
by Zedwick
Unfortunately, we have been experience lag spikes of late. They don't seem to be directly related to the number of players online, so I am having difficulty tracking down what is causing it. I am unsure of how many more players the server could take, so am apprehensive to raise the limit (especially given the random lag periods).

I have said that I will raise the number of slots by 1 every time someone donates for priority login. I will stick to that, at-least for now. Hoping that if we receive a few more regular donations we'll be able to move up to a better a server (we're pretty close to being able to afford it, I think)

Re: More Server Slots

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:14 am
by Hylindar
It would be nice to allow more folks to play at once yes. Reality is though that increasing that without sacrificing game play needs more upgrading to the server, and thus more income :(