Now, who ever is reading this may possibly remember that I, Groovehsocks was banned from LVS. I know what i did was indeed going to get me banned, but now i'm in full regret of my actions and i'd wish to come back to join the server.
I'd love to rejoin the server that i spent a long time playing on, making good friends, and to a server which i donated to multiple times, because it's honestly the best minecraft server/community i'v ever played on, it even has the best Admins by far.
And i'v recently really started to enjoy minecraft again and where better to play than on a Zedwork server?!
I'd really love for you to consider to unban me and i promise i won't pull off such stunts as stealing Honica's diamond block again!
(I know i'm still free to play Zurvival, which i do have fun playing but i found LVS much more fun than Zurvival)