by LadyBountiful » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:38 pm
You are not allowed to remove blocks from another player's build while you are a new player. You need to play for 15 hours until you become a zedling, and then there are all kinds of perks that you will receive. The_Android cannot give you permission to take down another player's build. The correct action is to approach Zed or I and ask if it's possible to remove it.
Your friend would also not be able to give you permission to remove blocks from his build on this server, as you would fall foul of our auto ban, as you did on this occasion.
You first appeal was not deleted, but was not published until it was approved. We rarely delete posts, unless it is defamatory or is a duplicate post.
On this occasion, I will unban you, please bear in mind what I have posted here. Welcome back