An apology for todays' events.

Here players may contest the decisions of the ban, or provide extra personal accounts of their crimes.

An apology for todays' events.

Postby asyed » Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:04 am

I'd like to apologize for what I did during the dinner today.

I behaved like a twat in there. I felt as if I was playing with some of my well-known friends, where mutual pranks are performed. I felt as if I was playing with people who messed around with me as equally as I messed around with them. In hindsight, I realized the organizers of the event had always been great to me, whereas I went digging random tunnels and griefing their builds. I know what they feel like now, when they have been working on this project for several days, and someone just goes and vandalizes it. The point that I am trying to make is that I did all these things to them while they did absolutely nothing to me.

I think it seems appalling now, that I did all this in front of two admins and a serverfull of Zesties'. The situation reminds me of a small child, running around at a gathering, bouncing up and down everywhere, with little care of others or their possessions. I feel ashamed of my deeds I performed, that I even slightly resembled the foolish qualities of a child.

I realize this is my third appeal in 4 weeks. I have been very naive throughout my short time on this server. I appear even more naive making my third appeal, as my previous two have been accepted. I realize that the image I am creating of myself, is of a greedy person. I understand now that it is important to keep in mind of my audience whenever I do certain acts, regardless of whether it is on Minecraft or in real life. I will no longer commit the form of actions I committed today, whether or not I get unbanned.

Mellori, I'm sorry. I will try upon my best effort to make it up to you. It is in my best interests that you see this thread, as I have little contact of you now, other than these forums. You've been a great towards me, and I treated you like garbage. I know that it is unlikely I will ever be able to patch up the damage I have done, but I would at least like to try. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know, you have my discord.

If I do get unbanned, I will take it upon myself to make Zedwork a much better place as a whole, rather than detracting from the quality as I recently have done.

I hope you all still believe in me as a person.

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:41 pm
Minecraft IGN: asyed

Re: An apology for todays' events.

Postby LadyBountiful » Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:59 am

Thank you for such a detailed apology. Your analogy of a small child is very apt, as that is exactly what it felt like. A small child overexcitedly running wild through a gathering of adults. Not listening what was being asked of you.

I would like to point out that griefing has never been acceptable on our servers, and if you and your friends feel that it is acceptable, then you are all wrong. On a personal note, I have never liked pranking, and I think that may need a discussion at the next zz council meeting.

Zed and I were trying to give you and the other players an experience. Zed spent a lot of time on the special effects for the day and other players spent hours collecting the resources and building the Christmas hall, with special attention to the kitchen for us.

You were not the only badly behaved player yesterday, but you were the one who seemed unable to calm down, and needed "time out". I'm sorry that you missed the celebration dinner.

I will however unban you. Please be very careful how you play in future. If I hear anything to the contrary about your behaviour, the next ban will be permanent. Welcome back.

Posts: 892
Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 1:33 pm
Minecraft IGN: LadyBountiful

Re: An apology for todays' events.

Postby asyed » Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:39 pm

I understand I am on the last straw.

Thank you for the unban.

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:41 pm
Minecraft IGN: asyed

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