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Ban Appeal B_ddy

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 12:29 am
by buddy
Reason - "weapon of mass destruction"

I was hanging in spawn with IGN: FinckleShinckle waiting for IUALUM83 to bring us gunpowder that we were buying for a project we are currently working on. we were jumping around spawn and I had tnt in my hands without thinking about it and right clicked, placing the tnt in spawn causing the ban.

This was completely accidental, and no malicious intent, just an idiot at heart, and was just an honest mistake. I've been playing on the server for about 8 months and have around 184 hours on the server and think that I am semi well known to the regulars that play.

Thank you for your time

Re: Ban Appeal B_ddy

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:43 pm
by LadyBountiful
On this occasion I will remove from jail. Please be more careful when you are "idly" waiting. Welcome back.