bullying/grief? no its not

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bullying/grief? no its not

Postby Trayoz » Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:21 pm

bullying in the very least may be but really tug was basicly begging for it the way he was talking to and treating other members may be he should be disconnected by server for bullying/spam or give the players the opion to vote on muteing another player. Now about the grief it wasnt grief they were claimed protected blocks i turned on siege thats how i was able to break those blocks how is it my fault if the siege plugin fails to replace those broken blocks and yes i tryed to replace the blocks my self but i did not have perm to do so, so if siege is a grief command then honestly why is it even installed on the server? Lastly i will own up to the bullying (even though i only killed him once) for sticking up for and protecting my friends and everyone else on the server, because none of the guardians were on to keep it from going as far as it did.

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Re: bullying/grief? no its not

Postby Zedwick » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:00 pm

Trayoz, it was causing grief to another player. Griefing is more than just removing blocks, it is intentionally ruining their enjoyment of the game. You are right, Siege should not be on the server, and that is why I disabled it weeks ago when I told you I had disabled it whilst we were testing it. For some reason, despite it being disabled in the config, the command was still accessible. Despite this error, you cannot claim ignorance to it not putting the blocks back after, we tested this together and found that it did not.

Your behaviour was bullying, You incited a group to gang up on a single person, trapping him in his home and then using siege to invade and prevent him from logging off. It was abuse of the feature, and complete abuse of him. As a result, you got both Akos and Ignite banned. Regardless of how Tugft acted, or if you just didn't like him, he didn't act so maliciously against other players, this was a direct attempt to ruin his enjoyment of the server.
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