Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

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Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby Forseth » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:02 pm


I had an idea while working today (yes my mind wanders while driving trains) and thought I might share it with you.
When the server get's updated to 1.13 or 1.13.1 (take your pick which and roll the dice to see which gets updated first), we could have a contest of sorts. A contest with the goal of surviving as long as possible without sleeping. Eh.. in the game of course. The contest would include a number of volunteers, all following the below rules.

So the rules would be:

* No sleeping in beds (Your own or others!)

* Report whenever you get killed by a phantom (friendly or otherwise) and/or when you concede so you can get removed from the list. With 'concede' I mean when you either sleep in a bed or decide not to participate in the contest anymore. Remember, only a Phantom kill counts. Getting hit after hit by phantom but then suddenly fall off a cliff and die, doesn't necessary count. Unless the chat log said otherwise. Ergo "Forseth was slain by Phantom" counts, "Forseth was doomed to fall by phantom" counts, "Forseth hit the ground to hard" doesn't count, even if he was chased there by Phantoms and they took 9.5 out of his 10 hearts.

* No griefing other players to increase their chances of getting killed by the phantoms. (should go without saying but SOME people are pretty competitive)

* This is a friendly contest, It doesn't matter how people play or how often they play while competing. You can continue to build on your base at Y: 5 and never see the sky again if you want. Doesn't matter If you play on the server for 1 hour a day or 1 hour a week. Naturally it's encouraged to take risks and play often (and vote for the server!), but it isn't necessary for this contest.

* Last player on the list not to get killed by a phantom wins. (Yay! Congrats. You win the game. You are the best! etc etc)

Basically, after three in day games everyone on the list is going to get chased by the phantoms. And since 1.13 is the new hot thing, people are more likely to be on the server. If this is something that interests you or If you have any suggestions, let me know and I'll setup a proper list and info topic in the General Discussion section.
May the Forseth be with you

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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby iiWolfyyy » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:33 pm

This sounds amazing! I'll definitely be taking part. Will need to remove the bajillion beds in my house, to stop the temptation.
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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby Dax23333 » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:03 pm

Sleep is for the weak. The phantoms will not win.

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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby ABParadigm » Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:25 am

I will certainly play. I honestly feel like they are a minor inconvenience (granted far more deadly if you are less end-game), if a dangerous one in certain scenarios. It would be fun to challenge that thought and see how long I last.

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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby Forseth » Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:57 am

ABParadigm wrote:I will certainly play. I honestly feel like they are a minor inconvenience (granted far more deadly if you are less end-game), if a dangerous one in certain scenarios. It would be fun to challenge that thought and see how long I last.

Yeah that's for sure. Having fully enchanted gear will cause them to be little more than that. I guess you could go without armor and see what happens. :P
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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby Dax23333 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:35 pm

I guess it is a game of 'how long can I go before I want to build a skyscraper in blutopia and rage at them as they push me off the top of it all night' really, rather than surviving an actual threat because they really are not that dangerous with good gear.

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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby Forseth » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:22 pm

Sure, build that skyscraper Dax. :D

But no I guess their damage isn't that high when walking around in full diamond gear fully enchanted with protection. They do 0-0.5 hearts of damage then. When carrying an Elytra instead of chest plate (Which I usually do) they do about 1 heart per hit. Granted with food, a shield and a good bow It's not gonna be a problem to take care of.

In the end we will se how many are interested when the update comes along.
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Re: Friendly Contest of Insomnia [LVS and/or ZZ]

Postby PulsaterII » Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:15 am

Fun fun, though both the updates came and we still aren't 1.13. However, when it does come to Zedwork, be sure to count me in. I don't really ever sleep anyways, shouldnt be a problem.

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