[LVS] Council Notes 7th March 2015

Should the Council Day and time Change?

Poll ended at Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:26 pm

No - Keep Saturday at 8pm GMT
Yes - Move to Sunday 8pm GMT
Yes - But keep Saturday and have an earlier time.
No votes
Yes - Sunday but have an earlier time.
I'm not really bothered, I'll be there anyway.
Total votes : 9

[LVS] Council Notes 7th March 2015

Postby ProducerDanny » Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:26 pm

Location: SneakySkelton's place

SneakySkeleton - Host
DannyC96 - Scribe
echosong421 (breifly)
RovdyrYun - Voted In

Memery (illness)

No apologies (with number):

__Laurens__ (2)
k1z5 (2)
wperks26 (3)
Werble23 (3)
lilweeph (3)
bartman51 (3)

Three memebers have now not turned up to meetings without apologies 4 times in a row since the rule started on January 10th at GEMINI7099's meeting. These members have now unfortunately been removed from the council to free up space for more active players. These players are:


These are the notes:

Sneaky brings up the idea of changing the Council day from Saturday to Sunday.

General approval.

Poll attached to let people vote.

Sneaky points out some people have passed the inactivity count of 4 weeks without attendance or prior apology.

The resulting members have been removed from the council, and are listed above.

Sneaky brings up Mem's idea of using /coords to post that persons co-ords on the chat.

Zedwick slams Memery's idea with a big fat No.

Sneaky asks for the new warp update.

Answer: Zed is lazy and has not yet done it. But he comes up with a load of rubbish about it being perfect... etc etc

Danny notifies the council of the idea of the Warp Olympics that he and Mem had promised in their Mayoral Manifesto.

He ask for recruitments to help build, part-design and donate materials for the server wide event.

ScarySpider21, SneakySkeleton, Forseth and choco1524 all put their names forward to help build it. ScarySpider21 and RovdyrYun have offered to donate materials.

haggisboy asked about sharing a back-up lobby with Zurvival as they are now 1.8.

Answer: See Topic 4

However, Zed does promise mini-games to be more accessible and frequent, like Missile Wars.

Bengal asks about the End in 1.9

End may be reset as 1.9 could bring a re-fight with the dragon. However End shops in the mean time will be relocated to a space by the farm. Bengal is going to work on the space.
NOTICE: You have 2 weeks to move your End Shop to the new space or it will be forcibly removed!

Dax double checked he was Swamp Mayor.

He is.

He is starting a new treasure hunt.

It will be fun.

He apologies for missing the last meeting, where he was due to be host.

Oh dear.

Al suggested Zedlings only can go online when council meetings are in effect.

Lots of dislike for the idea meant Al quietly moved back into his corner.

He did point out his new idea for the warp/ server build: Pre-Historic Theme. Sounds fun and interesting.

Scary asked about the Nether Cleanup.

He and Forseth are to do it, removing cobble towers and dirt towers, but we decided that netherrack is fine.

PS. This is the third time it came up in a meeting.... hopefully someone will do something.

April Fools Day is approaching.

Zedwick has plans. Beware...

(If only he spent as much time making the warp...)

New member elections.

ScarySpider21 and RovdyrYun (formerly iProBlanchard) were nominated.

Result was an even 4:4 split, resulting in a traditional Missile Wars game to determine the winner.

Winner would also host next meeting.

After a very intense game, with much concentration and many tnt's, Green Team aka RovdyrYun triumphed meaning he is the newest member and will host the next meeting on the 21st of March 2015 at 8:00pm GMT. Commiserations to ScarySpider21.

Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:09 am
Location: UK
Minecraft IGN: ProducerDanny

Re: [LVS] Council Notes 7th March 2015

Postby Sneeze_Attack » Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:33 pm

Hahahha "Quietly moved into his corner" what you on about? XDDD

First of all, I didn't have a damn corner it was just a scruffy chair my character got restless legs (complain complain complain) rofl.

Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:57 am
Minecraft IGN: Sneeze_Attack

Re: [LVS] Council Notes 7th March 2015

Postby IProBlanchard » Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:02 am

Wow nice job Danny :)
Council Meeting will be at 21st March at 8:15(15 mins to all of them come...) at Isatopia location(White hub grims tunnel and then my tunnel)
I need to tell a place,maybe zeddie can to forget to place a warp ;)
For mr. Zedwick of the Zedwork:
u have Yellow glass where to place warp in front of Town Hall
IProBlanchard,the king of ISATOPIA!!!
Council member
LoL player

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Re: [LVS] Council Notes 7th March 2015

Postby Sneeze_Attack » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:48 am

It's going to take a while looking for a suitable place for the Prehistoric landscape so I'll post either here or make a new 1 saying what resources may be needed etc...

Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:57 am
Minecraft IGN: Sneeze_Attack

Re: [LVS] Council Notes 7th March 2015

Postby purps » Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:16 pm

I see I have been removed! ...I apologise for being a naughty girl, unfortunately not had so much time to dedicate lately . :)

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