
Difference between revisions of "Zedling Council Meeting 2017-09-09"

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There were no nominations, but several volunteers to host next week! HOMINIX suggested a fight to the death, but was probably just excited about the UHC. ACERPROSPY managed to emerge victorious as next meeting host without bloodshed. We'll see you there in two weeks!
There were no nominations, but several volunteers to host next week! HOMINIX suggested a fight to the death, but was probably just excited about the UHC. ACERPROSPY managed to emerge victorious as next meeting host without bloodshed. We'll see you there in two weeks!

Latest revision as of 21:52, 22 August 2020

Scribe: Spectatre


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • ABParadigm
  • Aravero
  • Quicunque
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Swayed_Albatross
  • FunkyTechnician
  • Haztec
  • Spectatre


  • Dax23333
  • EmpressBethany
  • Memery
  • Forseth
  • drbwen
  • AmirTheTurtle

No apologies

  • Tjob


  • Bobe
  • Entity008
  • __M
  • dogzack123
  • Jazmyn01

Today's meeting took place in sunny blutopia. The prelude of the meeting was watching from above as several players got lost finding the meting place, including special guest performance from ABParadigm who ended up in the complete wrong skyscraper. Eventually everyone managed to actually find their seats and cover them in cobwebs, and hominix brought us to order


I - Hub Tunnel Rules - ABParadigm

ABP raised an issue of players, having made their own nether tunnel, having another player piggyback/branch off of it without their permission. It was fairly unanimous that this was a Not Good Thing, so we kept the discussions to a quick 45 minutes.

It was generally agreed that people should ask the owner of a tunnel for permission in the first instance, or a zriend if unavailable, or a guardian if they are unavailable. Zed and LadyB were quick to mention that if it got to them, they would refer it back to the zriends who are in charge of the hub, like a super-fun game of delegation hot potato.

Quite early into all this discussion SneakySkeleton noted that most of what we were discussing was covered by the existing nether hub rules on the forum (link available here). To wit - don't create extensions of another player's tunnel without given permissions by the tunnel owner or zriend! These rules were given further clarity as a result of these discussions.

Other tangeants included:

-trying to encourage people to use the border tunnels (designed explicitly for the intention of players branching off them), or the existing nether hubs, thus avoiding having to branch off a player tunnel
-discussion that if a player has made a tunnel and states that they do not wish to 'share' the tunnel that should be respected - there are ways to go over and around existing player tunnels, or branching off a border/hub tunnel instead
-Notions of a larger network of 'standard' tunnels players could branch off of were met with concerns that it would be too difficult to implement given the existing spaghetti infrastructure of the nether tunnels, zriend-made and otherwise.
-Zed also mentioned potentially making a command that would indicate the closest hub/border tunnel based on coordinates. People were very excited at the prospect, even with Zed mentioning he didn't really know how it could be implemented. Another one for the glorious To Do List of yore

Main things to take away - read the rules on the forum thread (here's a link again for you link-happy folk - clicky). If you're not sure, ask a zriend before pokin' a hole in a tunnel that ain't yours! Who knows, it could be a load-bearing wall that causes the nether to collapse and that would just be awkward for everyone.

II - 2x1 Netherrack tunnels - HOMINIX

Discussion on 2x1 netherrack tunnels started in the previous topic but was more properly addressed here. Should they be considered strip mines, and be alterable, as long as they didn't directly lead to a portal? People generally were for this idea until the practical applications of this became prohibitive. What if it led to a portal, eventually, but not in an obvious/direct way? What if someone makes a 2x1 tunnel as a placeholder and another player unwittingly goes through it with their own tunnel?

Zed suggested copying overworld etiquette of using signs to indicate use/ownership/decoration-in-progress of an area, which was seen to be a good way to separate unwanted former quartz-mining tunnels from wanted player-used tunnels.

Do you have a 2x1 netherrack tunnel you are using? Stick signs on it, or some decorative block to indicate it is being cared for by a player.

This was also added to that handy nether guide - posting a link once more, with feeling.

III - The next Build-Off and UHC - LadyBountiful/Zedwick

LadyBountiful announced the next build-off will be on Sunday 24th September, theme To Be Announced on the day. Hold onto your hats, Zed says it's a good 'un!

Zedwick also put a reminder that the 7th annual* UHC is taking place tomorrow, 10th September, 6pm BST. Sneaky is expected to retain his crown as Winner of the Odd Numbers, but can someone wreck the pattern?Tune in tomorrow and see, or better yet, bring your various pointy weapons and join in! *annual sounds better than bimonthly, sue me swayed

IV - Nomination/Next Meeting

There were no nominations, but several volunteers to host next week! HOMINIX suggested a fight to the death, but was probably just excited about the UHC. ACERPROSPY managed to emerge victorious as next meeting host without bloodshed. We'll see you there in two weeks!