
Difference between revisions of "Zedling Council Meeting 2020-09-19"

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*Cubegirlxd (remoting in from Hellscape)

Revision as of 21:33, 3 October 2020


Council members present

  • Memery (host)
  • Spectatre
  • Dax23333 (scribbler)
  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • DarthDuck84
  • Forseth
  • Masterboy269
  • iij2000x
  • KhasOrn


  • SooprJ
  • ABParadigm

No Apologies

  • SneakySkeleton
  • Acerpropsy
  • ArthusDeservedIt


  • Dave5400
  • Mellorian, the fiend

This meeting was initially without a host but Memery bravely stepped up and provided a desk in the back of the Blutopia Museum.


Cult of Cobble

The cult of cobble appears stronger, and to be possibly rivalled by a zedwick sponsored cult of smooth stone. This cannot be allowed to proceed and they will be crushed into cobble like the smooth stone they so lovingly protect.

Beginner Hotel Build Off

The beginner hotel buildoff has begun on the forums! Some entries are coming in, but need more! Runs until Oct 12th 2020 10:00 pm London time.

Hellscape Magma Cube xp Farm

Hellscape now has an xp farm! Farming magma cube spawns in a basalt delta this provides a stream of cubes to get xp from. It is located to the south end of Hellscape past the Bastion in the middle of a lava lake. There is a bridge, can't miss it. Does mean trips to the ender ender are no longer needed, Dax is not currently sure how it compares to other xp farms on the server but it seems pretty decent.



At this point I have to admit I got a bit lost as to what was going on. Zedwick announced the theme of the buildathon as the Smoothstone Buildathon, at which point Mellorian stood up legs wide and hammered furiously and elegently on two keyboards simultaneously, glittery cobble grey chest hair flowing in the wind, in much the style of an 80's glamrock keyboard solo. Zed might need to up his security measures there. Mellorian the Usurpur then managed (after a breif detour which nearly erased the world) to remove the filter for Cobble and instead <rEdAcT> Smoothstone. Powerless to stop this dazzling cyberattack Zedwick could do nothing but watch in horror (and a good part of grudging admiration, probably) as the smoothstone buildathon became the cobble buildathon and tyranny was overthrown and dashed against the hard cobbled streets of zedwork.

As I've done these notes so late I can confirm the cobble buildathon happened, rather than the smoothstone one. There wasn't a winner because it wasn't judged but if it was judged it would have been Dax's Monolith-o-Matic because it made the most cobble.

Multiple factions appeared to emerge here. The Smoothstone Soldiers lead by Zedwick, the Cult of Cobble lead by Mellorian and Team Khobble lead by Khasorn. Why or how this happened is a mystery.

Nominations/Next Meeting

Dax foolishly said he'd host the next meeting. What a scrub. Oh yeah, I said this... I had forgotten about that, better get something ready I guess. Maybe cobble themed.