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==Next Meeting==
==Next Meeting==
Swayed_light will host the next council meeting Jan 28, 2017
Swayed_light will host the next council meeting Jan 28, 2017

Latest revision as of 21:49, 22 August 2020

Host: Werble

Scribe: Swayed_Light


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • MsKizz
  • Elixirl
  • Swayed_Light
  • Werble
  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • Haztec
  • Hominix
  • Aravero
  • One227


  • Acerprospy
  • Forseth


  • Grover41
  • NakiCam
  • EmpressBethany
  • Rhys210703
  • __M


PVP - Grover41

Grover suggested maybe allowing PVP during night, this has been mentioned quite a few times and Zed has always had reasons against PVP in general. It was also suggested that PVP specific arenas could be added in order to allow people to PVP who wish to, A /duel (player) command was suggested. Zed expressed his thoughts on that any messing with team colours would break current ones for Zedlings, Trusted ect and would also cause issues for certain command blocks. The best solution was that a PVP bases minigame be made for Zesty games or people design their own arenas based on methods that work currently (Lava, Arrow Dispensers, Potions)

Extended World border - NakiCam

NakiCam suggested extending the world border. People mentioned that it had already been mentioned at previous meetings and that most were generally against the idea as it puts unnecessary strain on the server. Zed suggested that he could remove chunks within the border where a woodland mansion could spawn allowing it to do so, which in theory should appear on maps allowing people to find and explore them.

Tourism Centre - Hello, My name is Memery

A tourism centre was built by the blues at the market for use by players to advertise their bases, builds and cities. It has been about a month since it was built and it hasn't had any use. So get using it if you have a build you want to show off! Make everyone gaze in awe at your magnificant building skills.

Self promotion is great promotion - Werble

Werble took the time to promote the market that is currently at New Iron, (NOTES ON HOW TO GET THERE TO COME).

Icing on the roads - Hominix

Hominix wanted to quickly let everyone know that with the help of Cheesebob64, Spectatre and xCrazyElliotx, the ice roads in each of the world border tunnels in the spawn hub have been completed. It's estimated that you can get to the border in 71 seconds via Ice Boats. Chilling time!

Elected members when Notes are missing - Zedwick

Zed wanted a community decision on what should happen if notes are missing from a meeting and a member is elected, it was suggested that two or more people check their logs to double check if the election is accurate and if anyone has any issue they can challenge that decision.

Changing the rules regarding apologies, strikes and attendance of meetings involving Council members - Memery

Memery Suggested a changing on the rule about apologies on meetings, Stating that a player should be allowed to Apologies for a bulk (3) meetings in a row in advance if they know they won't be active" This passed. The Second motion was "That only players with one or less strikes may be able to give a 3 meeting apology" This passed. The third motion was "That a player retains their strikes even after apologising and the only way to remove strikes is to attend meetings" This passed. The forth motion was "That after The bulk apology period has ended, you keep any strikes you had already. If you need more time after the bulk apology period, you must apologise before every subsequent meeting" This passed. The fifth motion was "The council is able to vote to remove a member who has not attended 6 consecutive meetings regardless of apologies" This passed. The Sixth motion was "An apology must be stated clearly on the forums in general discourse" This passed.

Zedling of the week

LadyB announced that the zedling of the week is NakiCam! This being for their super helpful nature towards other players on the server. Congratz to them!


There were no nominations this week.

Next Meeting

Swayed_light will host the next council meeting Jan 28, 2017