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<br />See you in two weeks!
<br />See you in two weeks!
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Latest revision as of 21:56, 22 August 2020


Council Members Present

  • Zedwich
  • LadyBountiful
  • Memery
  • Dax23333
  • KhasOrn
  • Aravero
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Spectatre


  • tim1991
  • EliasRipley
  • _Swayed_
  • SooprJ
  • ABParadigm
  • Forseth
  • EarthCow

No Apologies



  • _Skyhorse
  • BenClass150
  • stumps290
  • Entity009
  • xXRatitoyFeareXx

Guess who's back, back as heck? Your good friends, mem and spec!

EarthCow so enjoyed the host musical chairs I resurrected last meeting that he played it again! Lucky our bold friend burst on to save the day and whisk us away to the tower of Zriend. He then took a couple minutes to digest the pre-agenda thread where almost all the topics had been posted to prior to the meeting! Good job, gang.


I - Pro Masons - KhasOrn

This was probably the most complete topic we've had in council for a very long time. Khas had pretty much all of it laid out in the agenda thread. Though, as everyone reading the agenda would've been uncharacteristcally efficient of us, we asked him to explain it all again anyway.
Khas is looking to set up Pro Masons, who will be offering building, renovation and demolishing services to the council, mayors of warp towns, or individuals if required.
We wanted to tread a little carefully as far as unfinished builds in warp towns (as many warps do not currently have rules set up regarding what happens to unfinished builds), though it was felt these could be dealt with on a case-by-case basis when and if required by respective mayors/council.
Khas' general idea here was to pitch this as a service, with the plan being to have 'embassies' in warp towns where people can donate materials or fill out contracts for build jobs.
Current build styles include Minimal, Decorative, Medieval and Sci Fi - more to come as more Arrchitects and Masons get on board
There was a general excitement about the idea, and several members already started thinking out loud as to how they could hire this service for their warps or town.

It was suggested Khas make his own forum thread (with others offering assistance in making a wiki page) so as to more widely advertise this service.
Watch this space on that front; in the meantime here is a CLICKY for his agenda post, which goes into assiduous detail about the group.

II - Lets (do a) Very (good game-)Show - Memery

Mem didn't post this on the agenda (naughty naughty), but we let him talk about it anyway because his excitement was infectious. I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow about it.
Mem's gonna do a quiz-based gameshow! Plan is for it to be a monthly event - contestants fill in a questionnaire, and then are asked questions about their other contestants. Kind of like a 'know your zedling' vibe.
Further information and more coherent thoughts are gonna be put on a forum post!
Dax then suggested a bunch of great quiz suggestions which Mem took down. I would die on the hill that says 'favourite shoe size' is the best question ever, but other people, incorrectly, disagreed.

Mem hasn't made a forum post to link to yet, so instead here is a link to a tiny dog instead: Bork bork

III - They can take our topics, but they can never take our Freedcamp - EliasRipley/Memery

EliasRipley did post this on the agenda (hooray!), and asked someone to bring it up at the meeting.
There is a site called FreedCamp which assists with project management, Elias set up a project group on there and asked if those that were interested to PM him for an invite.
Zed being the Responsible Adult gave a very legalesesque response of 'With any 3rd party service take care what information you share'. We wouldn't permit promoting a public board, but for individual projects it would be fine.
The wider thought that council doesn't tend to get much done was an astute one, with many people agreeing we could do more of the things we decided to do.
I threatened to make a list of the things we haven't done, Mem countered that people needed to be motivated enough to follow through on the ideas they get permission/encouragement for, a bunch of people started reciting all the most boring Star Wars prequel quotes, which was entirely annoying but also representative of a council meeting. A couple of salient points in the middle of lots, and lots, and lots, of tangeants.
And here I am, cutting through all that noise and then adding a bunch of my own, superior noise. You're welcome.

IV - Purple's Pexture Pack - KhasOrn

Another topic posted to the pre-agenda (yaaaaay), our fellow Zedworker Purple has made a texture pack, described as 'enhanced but faithful to the vanilla vibe'. If you name your armour 'invisible' it is invisible to other players, allowing everyone to see eachother's skin.
On hearing the word 'skin' Mem and Khas then dropped down to their respective thong and boxers, for reasons left to themselves, so I escaped to axe someone, as is my wont.
Are you interested in trying the texture pack out? You can download it here: clicky

V - Dungeon Dax - Dash

Denizen dev Dax dazzled, declaring Dungeon Dash (up)date!
New locations, new monsters, no loot boxes, annnd a branch new mystery class!
There is a contest on the forums where you can guess what the class does, either by taking an educated guess based on an image of the class equipment, or unlocking the class itself after the update lands on June 22nd. That's right baby, we have unlockable progression now.
The contest runs til July 9th, when the first right guess, or best wrong guess, will win a free month of DungeonDash hosting!

Dax and Zed also took this time to mention that large areas of the existing DungeonDash map have remained undiscovered. Perhaps, where we've been going wrong is trying to win the fastest way possible, as opposed to taking the scenic route through the eldritch hellscape of increasingly deadly mobs and traps. Who knows!
The competition thread is here! press me

Final AnnouncementZ - Zedwick

24th June, 4pm-9pm BST - the inaugural Buildathon, which replaces the Build-Off. Zurvivalists were zalty that zed was apparently berated by LVS into changing the name. Take that, zz, zed pays attention to us more because we're meaner. Our dad is taller than your dad.
8th July - 6pm - UHC. Sneaky immediately announced he would not be in attendance. I am also probably going to miss it, so if you all manage to kill Mem we'll most likely have a brand-new victor! What fun; such death!

There were no nominations, and I volunteered to host. Ara pointed out it was a ruse so that I didn't have to scribe. I thanked her for noticing :D
See you in two weeks!