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Latest revision as of 17:00, 30 March 2020

[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 01-9-2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes

!update_zz_scribe Mellori

Well, this is certainly going to be an interesting sec-

!update_zz_scribe Zedwick

No, bad Zed! Bad!


It's over Treiskaideka, I have the host perms now!

Well, while those two fight it out to decide whom can be host - which is silly, as no one really wants to be host - I'll list off attendance!


Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick SneakySkeleton The1Shaw
iiWolfyyy ABParadigm Dogzack123
Treiskaideka LeFozzy Jasmyn01
Mellori_ Snickaaman


Before jumping into the meeting, we spent a few moments checking the shops about Zen for stock and lighting and are pleased to report that almost all of them are now up to code, proving that all those hours spent discussing AWUZR last month have paid off.

Once our round of roundabouts about Zen was complete - or there abouts - we headed back to the Zedkin hall to find Zed snoring cutely. After a few seconds contemplation that definitely didn't involve a permanent marker, we agreed we would never mention this to anyo- oh... Quickly, to the first topic!


Finishing Buildings in Zen!

Wolfyyy was proud to announce that the District 3 template shop (behind the post office, which may or may not require a roof) is complete, but for a few example shop chests that could do with being sprinkled about.

While there aren't many prospective shop builders currently, we feel that once 1.13 comes around there'll be more interest for unique stock ideas and the space will be put to use.


Amidst small talk of 1.13, and mention of the replanted tree farm in Zen, Mellori sensed the perfect opportunity to roast Lvs but was disappointed with the lack of ABP to retort to said banter.

Oh, Ab, where for art thou Ab.

A nerd by any other name would use cobble as much ;-;



Well, I think that's about it for this... oh no, not again...

!update_zz_scribe Zedwick

!topic Zeddy Time

Zeddy Time!

Having successfully wrested control of the meeting, Zed stood to regale us with upcoming events:

UHC Sunday the 9th of September, 6pm BST

Be sure to arrive early, so as not to miss the chance to join!

Buildathon Sunday the 30th of September, 4pm-9pm BST

I can say with certainty, the theme will definitely not be Home Automations.


!update_zz_scribe Mellori

Right, well I suppose that brings us to the end of this short seconds! Before we finish up I leave you with one last thing:

Word of the Week

"Wuth" ~iiWolfyyy
