
Difference between revisions of "Zedkins 09-06-18"

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[[category:Zz Seconds]]

Latest revision as of 17:01, 30 March 2020

Host: Treiskaideka, at region Botanical, Snickaaman's location
Scribe: ABP, who was just as confused as everyone else when Mellori_ couldn't make it

The Mystic of Fire Artwork.png

The artwork known as "grief in the glass"


Zedkins Members Present

  • Zedwick - who was shocked and oxcited about all the happenings
  • LadyBountiful - who created the build offs, now avidly named build-a-thons after the LVS council finally got their way
  • ABParadigm - who was confused during the entirety of the meeting, yet added to the confusion
  • dogzack123 - who had to run early as some dogs often do
  • Treiskaideka - who, in some parts, was as confused as ABP
  • Lefozzy, who was jumping about just like his skin would lead you to believe
  • The1Shaw - Who was bathing in the fires set by iiWolfyyy, like his skin would lead you to believe
  • iiWolfyyy - who was the chaotic arsonist of this particular meeting
  • SneakySkeleton - who was here, but kind of not
  • Snickaaman - who was kind enough to provide a location other than Zen, despite the avid griefers and combatants who attended


  • Mellori_
  • Jasmyn01

No Apologies

  • DarkEndeavor


  • Developaws
  • RedstoneAndroid
  • Dax23333
  • Vitgone

This meeting kicked off with everyone arriving slightly early, bar Zedwick, LadyBountiful, and Treiskaideka. The gorgeous location Snickaaman set up was swiftly set ablaze before, during, and after the meeting. Some think that everyone arrived early to see the fireworks that the later arriving three would not have allowed, but no one is entirely sure.


I - Zen Progress - Treiskaideka

A frequently requested topic, Zen progress and certain shops were brought up this meeting. The first notice brought up was a minor grief; the words "HELLO" and "HI" built up with melons and pumpkins, respectively. Developaws was then axed by Vitgone, pre-UHC, and everything went crazy for a few minutes, including Mellori_, who apparently gave Developaws a shop when we were supposedly out of plots. No one really knew if we were out of plots, we just assumed Treis knew something of what was going on. It was also brought up that a few shops were out of stock, and a suggestion arose to make out-of-stock chests more easily visible. Among the suggestions were it showing up as red, or the items being switched to barrier items in the event it is out of stock. iiWolfyyy is working on the colonial section of the shop, as well, and any donations of brick would be greatly appreciated. No decisions were truly made about discussed things, just a lot of updates to go around and suggestions for what we may be able to do.

II - Impending 1.13, and talk about plugins - Developaws

The first real issue, was how to handle phantoms. Supposedly they do not spawn if you just sit in bed for a bit, not requiring to change the time to day. Don't stand by a guardian, though, because phantoms spawn near creative players! There was also talk of ocean regeneration, and border expansion. It was decided it was more likely for the ocean to be regenerated first, and to see if the expansion was needed. Zedwick has also been toying with the idea of dropping the border for one day a week, however he needs to wait for 1.13 to actually be here before he starts messing with code.

III - Early Nominations - Treiskaideka

Nominations occurred a bit early, and Developaws was voted into Zedkins! Congratulations, and welcome!

IV - Dax's Announcements

Dax23333 came in from the badlands known as LVS to announce a coming content update to Dungeon Dash! This update will occur on June 22nd, and will feature a load of new content, including a new class for you to unlock! Be sure to find all the hidden secrets Dax has added! Hungeon Hash is not one of them...  :(

V - Zedwick's Oxciting Announcements - Zedwick

Following the cancelling of the Casual Buildoff, the next casual build-a-thon will be held on the 24th of June, 2018, at 4 PM BST, lasting until 9 PM BST!
The next UHC will be held on the 10th Of June, at 6 PM BST! Be sure to come so you can find your permanent death!