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m (End Work)
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* Joint-mayor of [[Forest Hills]]
* Joint-mayor of [[Forest Hills]]
===End Work===
===End Work===
* Helped HOMINIX create infrastructure on the main End Islan
* Helped HOMINIX create infrastructure on the main End Island
* Built the arena for the Spleef mini-game (Still a WIP)
* Built the arena for the Spleef mini-game (Still a WIP)

Revision as of 05:37, 9 August 2016

Memery (Formally Memery785) aka Mem, Memmers, MEM-ER-REE started playing on LVS on the 14th April 2014 . He is a Zriend, member of the Zedling Council, and Former Mayor of Forest Hills.


Memery785's Quaint Little Shack

Memery was introduced to the LVS server by his friend Chiriel only 6 months after the server was created. He quickly found a nice lake to settle down by. Memery was not a great builder and didn't want to build a huge imposing base anyway so decided to build a small wooden shack. The shack composed of one room and a lovely fishing pontoon. He soon realised how far from civilisation he was and began digging a nether tunnel to the spawn hub. Back then the hub was very small and only the centre room was protected, but still the structure amazed young Memery and he soon fell in love with all the server had built in such a short space of time.

White Walker Keep

Memery soon wanted more, he had outgrown his quaint little shack and wanted more. He had heard that 1.7 had introduced the "Ice Spike" biome.It was there that Memery dreamed of making a huge fortress of ice. He soon set off searching for one with his best server friend Iguana027. I took them several days and thousands of blocks to find one but in the end it was all worth it. The biome was magnificent! However Iguana let Memery know that he did not intend to live with him and soon set off home. Memery needed a friend to help him and as luck would have it he had a great friend from maths class, DannyC96 who shared his ice Fortress dreams! After several months of building, the fortress White Walker Keep was finished. With the server's longest nether tunnel (over 2000 blocks) the duo of Danny and Mem were able to kick start their Packed Ice business. Being the only people on the server selling it they soon made a vast amount of diamonds and became two of the server's richest players. The business has since collapsed but at its peak made them over 64 blocks of diamond.

The 1.8 Party

Memery soon decided money meant nothing without people's company. People very rarely visited Danny and Mem because their fortress was so far away. They decided they were going to host a party for the upcoming 1.8 update. They set to work building mini games, roller coasters and cake (so much cake). When the update loomed, the duo asked Zedwick to create a temporary warp to their area to help players celebrate the new update with them. He agreed and soon the update was only a few days away. When 1.8 came out however the duo were in for a shock. Firstly, Danny decided now was a good time to go on holiday and was away from Minecraft for two weeks surrounding the 1.8 update. More importantly however the server became a ghost town. The game was so laggy it was unplayable for most people and so players avoided multiplayer servers like the plague. Memery, all alone, sat in his bedroom, eating piles and piles of stale cake for days and days until finally people began to return to the server, but by then Memery's party was over and the warp removed. To this day, chests full of cake lie in the storage area of White Walker Keep.

The Zedling council

Memery was one of the first people asked to attend the Zedling Council. He was formally invited by Werble23 to join a few days before the first meeting. Not long after the failed 1.8 party, Memery was made a Zriend by Zedwick due to his commitment to the server and his drive to host server wide events. He was an active member of the council until his grand hiatus. He was removed on the 15th August 2015. He then Returned to the server in early 2016 and was re-elected into the council on the 9th April 2016.

The Dwarven City of Anzard

After the 1.8 party, Danny and Memery went off to help their old friend Iguana027 build an underwater town called Zedlantis. Iguana unfortunately went inactive on the server not long after this. This left the duo to clear the water from the large underwater dome. Memery did most of the work. Once the water was cleared, they begun planning Zedlantis this was turned on it's head when Iguana came back and re-claimed Zedlantis for himself to build it in his own way. Un-perturbed, Danny and Mem went off to build a new home inspired by Zedlantis but with a dwarven twist. Learning from the mistakes of White Walker Keep they decided to build their new home much closer to spawn. They found a cluster of islands, claimed them for themselves and founded Anzard.

Forest Hills Mayors

Once Anzard was mostly complete (A true Project is never finished) Danny and Memery put themselves forward to be the mayors of the new warp "Forest Hills". With their fresh ideas and strong desire to lead they were unanimously voted in to be joint mayors together. Under their leadership Forest Hills became the most successful warp the server had ever seen. Memery successfully organised and executed an warp opening event which was a large scavenger-hunt to show off areas around the warp for new players to build in. After this Danny and Mem decided to build a small town nearby to be called Timberthwaite. They also began work on a secret project for Forest hills; Unfortunately all of these new projects and responsibilities defeated them. Danny and Mem had taken on so much that they lost their passion to play Minecraft. Memery and Danny had now left College and wanted to spend their summer outside, and so began "The Great Hiatus".

Return of the Best Blues

After Memery and Danny returned in early 2016, they no longer were mayors of Forest Hills. This meant their attention went back to Anzard. As a result, they built two new expansions to the town. Firstly, they built a new underwater dome, similar to Zedlantis, with the aim of the area being for show rather than practicality. Nicknamed The Jelly Bean, the dome contains nice paths, grass and a cathedral. After The Jelly Bean, Danny and Memery focused more on practical builds and built them underneath the main section of Anzard. Such builds included a semi-auto wheat farm; a semi-auto sugar cane farm; an automatic melon/pumpkin farm; an automatic cactus farm; and a villager breeding area/villager Market. The two main attractions of this area are LUCI, Thee compact and very alluring Semi-Auto Smelter and the Megafarm, easily the server's largest and laggiest semi-auto carrot and potato farm. They also allowed other players to build in a small area of Anzard. Since then K1z5, HOMINIX and Dax23333 have all built themselves houses. Memery continues to be an active player, alongside his best pal Danny. Hopefully they will continue like this for years to come (Hurray)!

Super Secret Hideout

Memery (Along with his other half Danny) also has a super secret hideout. It's super secret.

Community Events

  • Hosted the 1.8 Party
  • Hosted the Forest Hills opening event and scavenger hunt
  • Hosted the first Bridge Wars Tournament

Hub Work

  • Helped with the contruction of the first Spawn Nether Hub expansion
  • Created the entire Forest Hills Nether hub
  • Helped build and provided large amounts of resources for the spawn hub direction tunnels
  • Helped with building for the Directional Hub Tunnel project.

Warp Work

End Work

  • Helped HOMINIX create infrastructure on the main End Island


  • Built the arena for the Spleef mini-game (Still a WIP)
  • Built the Cube Runner Arena
  • Working on some other super fun stuff that's super secret (OOOoooOOo)