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Revision as of 13:47, 9 August 2016

The Market, located on the edge of the spawn town of LVS, is an area where Zedlings and above ranks may trade with each other. New players cannot access the area, and will be teleported out of the area if they attempt to go into it. All players in the Market except Zriends are unable to break or place blocks (with the exception of special market items). The Market has been run by _Laurens_ in the past, but due to his inactivity HOMINIX was put in place to manage the day to day running of the place.

Trading System

The Market is divided into different areas for selling different things. For example, in the blacksmiths you can buy and sell weapons, tools and armor. Numerous areas are around, providing a category to trade almost anything you can think of.

To buy an item you look at the price specified on the sign above a chest, then put your payment in the chest and remove the items you bought. Note that doing the reverse is not allowed and will be treated as theft.

To sell an item claim a chest by putting a sign above it. Special LVS Market signs should be avialable in the chests inside the main tower which you can place above chests. On the sign, write what you are selling, the price, and your name. Then leave your items to be sold in the chest and wait for somebody to come and buy them.

The Market trading system is trust based, and any breaches of this will be treated seriosly.