
Difference between revisions of "Zedling Council Meeting 2017-02-25"

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(Notes by SneakySkeleton from
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Revision as of 22:46, 11 March 2017

Host: Spectatre

Scribe: SneakySkeleton


Council Members Present

  • SneakySkeleton
  • Zedwick
  • Swayed_Light
  • Spectatre - Host
  • Haztec
  • FunkyTechnician
  • ElixirLuv


  • Forseth
  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • LadyBountiful

No Apologies

  • ScarySpider
  • Aravero
  • MsKizz
  • One227
  • Werble


Amir's End Shop - FunkyTechnician

Funky, on behalf of Amir, asked what the possibilities would be regarding building a shop in the End with redstone circuits. Many ideas were discussed, such as building a bridge out from the main farm and building it out in the void. The shop would have to be completely spawn-proof to decrease interference with the End Farm. No decision was really made, but everyoine was made aware that you can't build in the void or on the main end island without permission at they are council-owned and managed by the Zriends. You are free to build outside of the gateways. NOTE: Anything beyond 3k in the end has a chance of being reset!

=== ZestyGames - Zedwick ===

Zedwick talked about the recent Zedling Free-Hosting weekend for ZestyGames which took place. This will take place again to mark any new ZestyGames/special occasions. Also, this coming weekend will mark a special event for the Zesties, who will be able to host the first ever private ZestyGame! "The Prismarine Lab" is a 2-player co-op puzzle game where Zesties can invite a friend to play it along with them!

UHC - Zedwick

Zedwick announced that UHC will be hitting Zedwork within the next few weeks! There will be a UHC event coming soon, and Zedwick would like to know who is interested, and what date would be best for you. I am interested for sure! An announcement will be made on the forums with more details.

Announcement + Zrangers - PulsaterII

Pulse has opened up a shop up in the End, called 'Pulse's Enchanted Goodies'! It is in the Blue wing of the shops area. Pulse also talked about the Zrangers. Zed has OK'd the idea of creating a group to rent out their services, whatever they may be. More details about the Zrangers can be found here (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2427) or by talking to PulsaterII!

Emerald Currency - PulsaterII

This topic was a big debate about whether emeralds were a good currency. It was determined that people can (of course) use whatever currency they like, but Pulsater will be promoting emerald use to many sellers.

Council Voting/Polling - Zedwick

Zed wanted to mark a distinction between council votes (making a solid decision) and council "polling" (finding opinions on a topic). The council "voted" to pass this vote, and this will be added to the Council Regulations. If polling, the results should be given in "YESvotes - NOvotes" (3-4 as an example)

Building Project - PulsaterII

Pulsater wants to set up a new fun building project, a temple! It was suggested for Pulse to take this to the forums.

Zedling of the Week

The Zedling of the Week is.... Marco_Francisco! Grats!  :D


There were no nominations this week!

Next Meeting

Funky will be hosting the next meeting, which is on the 11th of March, at 8PM GMT!