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Zedkins' Seconds 19/03/16

Scribe: Cuttlemaster ~ See Forum Version

Ok ladies and gents It's time for some Zedkins seconds, oh boy, I cannot wait. Now first you may notice that it isn't our normal ‘humble’ narrator, Sir_overskill. No, this time, you get me - that other guy that also sometimes makes bad puns. So without further ado, let's get into the seconds (like minutes, but only 1/60th of the size)

Members attending: Director (for life) Treiskaideka (who's name, for some reason, was written in blue, possibly to indicate Treis' smurf-like personality), Dogzack, LaLa, Chester, Darthduck, Zedwick, Lady B, Sir_Overskill (in spirit), and yours truly, Cuttle.

Spectating were Dax, Nano and Cometlore.

If your name got spelt wrong, it's really my fault because I had a book with names in it. However, If I missed anyone out, I can blame everything on Treis.

No apologies from: The1Shaw, Maple_is_syrup. You naughty devils, you.

DiscussionTents.jpg A Snapshot during a period of intense discussion

End News: So although this meeting was pretty much just to do with the end, turns out nobody has actually really done anything, a nice trend that I hope will continue in order to spare my poor fingers from all this writing.

Spawning Dragons: After a heated discussion, the Zedkins council decided to allow dragons to be spawned as long as the spawner was confident that they could slay the beast. How this is to be punished beats me, perhaps being made to write up the next Zedkins seconds?

Claims in the End: Although this wasn’t an official topic, there was a lot of talking about it - and it turns out that Zedwick isn't sure about what he wants to do, again, another rather worrying trend that he should probably sort out. At the moment, it appears that you can claim in the end, but dragons will not destroy any blocks (Although I personally have no idea having not stepped close to anything that requires ‘skill’ to survive). Presumably some future notes will update this if it changes.

End Resets: In another startling feat of originality, we decided to ‘take inspiration from’ (read:copy) LVS and have an area of 2048 blocks (In a square) which will not respawn for XP farms and the like. Outside of this area, the end will reset every month, which will be nice for those sweet loots like the almost flying cape and purple bricks.

Voting members in: In order to accommodate for those that are a little slow, we have moved the time for voting people in to the end of the session. Although we briefly entertained the idea of forcing people to sit through an entire meeting, we decided that rules are too hard and anyone mad enough to volunteer is probably mad enough to stay for the whole hog anyway. Just thank Glorious Leader Treis for the 2 hours cap.

Fancy Stairs: So apparently this stuff gets a whole topic now. Who would've thought. So basically the council voted to let Chester build some kind of fancy staircase / lift thing in the end. Best of luck on this fearsome endeavour.

Voice Server: Somebody wanted to hear Zedwick talking - and who could blame them? But unfortunately Zed wasn't ready to let the world hear his dulcet tones, at least, not yet. Look out for something later this year (Read:Never)

Glitch Stacking: A noble craft has gone to waste. Scores of children cried and the great mother gaia herself let out a wretched sob as this beautiful method of travelling has been (partially) destroyed. Nobody really seemed too bothered though so nothing will be done.

Crypt Wars: Good job Dax, Good job Zedwick and three cheers for minigames. Lookout for this gem on the list of Zesty games in the future.

Next meeting: Scheduled for 2nd April, 8:00 GMT as always.

So that's that for this meeting, good job for reading this far through all the forced jokes and unsubtle sarcasm. It was a real pleasure to take over writing these things, but hopefully (For my sakes) Someone else (Read:Overskill) will take up the pen for the next Zedkins. See you there folks.

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori