
Zedkins 3/02/2018

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Revision as of 12:35, 3 October 2018 by Mellori (Talk | contribs) (added category)

[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 3/2/2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes

Another Seconds? I better write a haiku! Pfft, haikus are eas...



I like to call this piece, "Treis's Untimely Revenge... oh, and a boat."

I am your host, CobblePlacer69, and I shall be regaling you with tales of splendour and g-

What do you mean 'They want to know about the meeting?'

Huh, what a bunch of nerds....


Those whom were at the place at the time:






+WolfGuy_ (Lone_Wolf_234) Late


+Treiskaideka On and Off


A full attendance, and no strikes across the board!

We should celebrate! And by we, I mean I. And by celebrate, I mean drink tea.


Zen - Post Office

We started the meeting out by announcing the brand new Post Office in Zen! Which may or may not have been built before.

Currently, the Post Office is just a filing cabinet of post boxes, which activate a redstone lamp when containing mail - a bare minimum.

But we hope for it to be complete and decorated very soon!

After some discussion around the subject, the Zedkins decided that, for now, only those residing in Zen, or that own a shop/stall, may own a post box. Though we are planning on also having some public post boxes, space willing, that can be rented out for, perhaps, one iron a month, to account for inactivity.

Currently, only some of the Zedkins and a few shop owners own a post box. If you would like to own a post box, for people to place mail/items in for you, please contact Mellori, for now, and perhaps any Zedkin in the near future.

There will be a forum post on this subject once the Post Office is fully functional.


Phew, that was the longest topic I think I've ever written about. Let's take a break for some ads while I grab more tea.

Ad Break


Do you like redstone?

If your answer is 'Yes', 'No' or 'Surely Cobble would be better!?' then you should check out DarkEndeavor's store!

Situated beneath KBizzle's own, wonderfully designed shop (It has cobble):


Is a world of redstone and wonder! (Not necessarily in that order)

Simply walk on to the pressure plates in the back and drop down into the best shop you could ever visit.

(I'm paid to write this) (I feel I should mention, I'm not actually paid for this. Call me sometime, Dark. <3)



Man, I hate unskippable ads :/


Zen - Stalls

As we discussed last meeting, DaHunt has not stocked his shop nor stall in quite some time. Due to this, we have decided to remove his stall. We are hesitant to take down a shop, as we know each player has put a lot of work into them, but we have decided to wait until we need the space in the future before making further decisions on that.


Words with the Zedman

Like a cat, waiting to pounce, Zed dilly dally'd for at least twelve minutes, and a few sips of tea, before finally stepping up to regale us with tales of splendor and g-

What do you mean 'They want to know about the meeting?'

Huh, wha... hang on, I'm getting deja vu here...

Zed started off his announcements with mentioning that the Pocket Build off Zesty Game was released a few weeks ago, and is available for free hosting this weekend, meaning any Zedling can host it! On a similar vein, DartZ - the Zesty game made by Dax23333 - was also released a couple of weeks ago, and shall be available for free hosting next weekend!

Some upcoming events:

UHC on the 11th of February, 6pm GMT

Dungeon Dash Open Beta, 16th to the 19th of February

BuildOff on the 25th of February, 4pm to 9pm GMT

Theme Hint: Not cobble


On a final note, I'd like to mention that both Dogz and Lala turned five this year, in late January!

I'd like to wish them a very happy birthday, and many happy cobbles.


And now, our quote of the day!

"Don't think so :D" DarkEndeavor - 2018
