
Zedkins 23-06-18

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 23-6-2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes

Hmm, window jokes...

They're always a pane to think up

But the answer is, in the end, always transparant


Heh, a running Ab. Am original memester

Sayōnara, and welcome to another, slightly late, installment of the Zedkin seconds! You may have noticed that last fortnight's seconds was hosted by the amazingly talented Ab.

Yes, he paid me cobble to say that. <3


Bit of a quiet meeting this time, but with plenty of topics covered:







+Treiskaideka (at the end)


Zen Ziscussions

Quite a few topics from Developaws and Wolf, under the banner of Zen, were raised in the first half of this meeting, the first of which being shop lighting.

District Four - the shopping district - has been seeing a lot of mob spawns over the years it's been developed, and while Zedkins have attempted to curb their appearances, the shop owner's claims have left some of the roofs of shops unlit.

We discussed ways to combat this, and a suggestion was raised that we have all the shops unclaimed and simply use a sub-division system like the stalls.

While this would solve the problem, we agreed that owning a shop is a matter of trust, and that "taking away that trust by claiming the shops ourselves would turn away shop owners", as LeFozzy - a fellow shop owner - states.

A solution was devised in a similar manner to how stock depletion is managed - Developaws has put up signs notifying shop owners that their roofs are possessing of spawning spots and that they should light them up when they next get the chance, and we will discuss during the next meeting how to handle the remaining unlit ones.


Next up we discussed mob spawns in the tree farm below the farm tower.

We believe that bare tree branches are causing the spawns, as the ground is covered in a grid of end rods.

Developaws said she'd look into the lighting and perhaps move the tree farm cavern back a few blocks to avoid the overlapping claim from the market stalls which prevents access to a couple of the mega spruce trees.

On the subject of claims, Dogz announced recently that he has handed the Farm Tower claim over to Developaws as he is getting old and tired. (Read: Can't be bothered to do the subdivisions. And, to be honest, I don't blame him. Zed knows how much we lovehate subdivisions :3)


Finally, on the Zen front, we agreed to move the Donation Box that sits by the region post into the Zedkin Offices to be overseen by Carl the Secretary. It was mentioned that players were perhaps using it to dump their inventory too often, which is what the community chests in the Market Stall area is for. Moving it off the beaten road will hopefully lean toward any donations being meaningful.

That being said, the Zedkins do appreciate donations for Zen, just that unless it's the materials that are requested for certain projects, they'd be best given to someone who will make use of them.


Code Zalk

Before moving onto the final topic, some code discussion between Zed and Developaws highlighted that the Hopper Cap and Neutral Mob (such as squid) Caps might be looked into for around the release of 1.13.


Zed's Znnouncements

As soon as Zed leapt up to the imaginary podium in all his bare glory, shouting out to the world that Zedkin Badges were soon to be making a come back, I knew I must have been dreaming.

And I was.

They're not.

New update to Dungaree Dash!

A new, unlockable, class has been added that is shrouded in mystery. All we know for sure is that it involves guavas.

Well, Mellori says it does. She's a fool though.


Despite having a late start, the Buildathon was apparently a great success, functioning exactly the same as the priorly dubbed "BuildEvent" but with one less capital to worry about!!!


8th of July - 6pm BST


The writer of these Seconds would like to point out that the number thirty eight is particularly neat today.

Make of that what you will.
