
Dungeon Dash Monsters

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Revision as of 14:10, 3 October 2018 by Mellori (Talk | contribs) (Added link back to DD page)

The monsters in Dungeon Dash inhabit the various crypts and caves deep underground in vast numbers, and are extremely hostile to adventurers raiding the forgotten structure. Not only vanilla monsters inhabit this place, with a variety of new creatures also living inside.

Monster List


The Cult of Undeath inhabit the 2nd floor of the dungeon, along with some deeper regions. The Cultists were once human before thier willing conversion to undeath. These enemies attack in hordes, with their healers providing support making the group far tougher. Adventurers will need to focus damage to take down individual members before the Cult Healers undo their work, and ideally target the healers early on.

Cult Leader

Wearing jet black armor these Cultists lead the hoards into battle, and wield extremely sharp hoes. They hit harder and are tougher to kill than ordinary cultists.


The lowest ranking Cultists make up the bulk of the Cult of Undeath and will swarm any adventurers they come across.

Cult Healer

These Cultists wear heart armour, giving them more health than ordinary cultists. They wield a blaze rod, and will cast a healing spell on nearby cultists every few seconds providing strong support to the hoard.

Cult Skeleton

Rare cultist that has lost all the flesh on its bones. It is unknown if these are willing converts like the rest of the cultists, or if they were skeletons like the others found in the dungeon. They wield bows like most skeletons.


Creatures resembling floating heads. They will charge players to ram them and deal damage, but if hit will explode into a cloud of effects varying on the type of ghost. If hit hard enough they will die without emitting their effects.


White and red ghosts with skin stretched thin over a bloody skull. When killed they emit an intensely painful and nauseating cloud. Extremely dangerous, these are found only in the deepest reaches of the dungeon.


Ghosts with slimy green skulls that explode into a cloud of nausea inducing poison on death. Found everywhere.


This variant detonates on death with an explosion. It does not emit any potion effects. These are found in the cave areas deep in the dungeon.


A ghast like creature which emits a slowing cloud on death. Far less dangerous than other variants of ghost, they are found mainly in the upper levels of the dungeon.