
Zedkins 19-01-19

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 19-1-2019

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes


Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick SneakySkeleton The1Shaw
LadyBountiful Jasmyn01
Treiskaideka Dogzack123


You ever written a seconds then forgotten to post them?

Heh, no... neither have I... o-o

Zen Building Plans

Our first topic led us to discuss what buildings we'd like to see in Zen for both functionality and looks.

The latest builds added to Zen have been the Post Office and Docks, the latter of which we talked about updating now that we have 1.13 content to work with. In terms of new buildings, we thought a Museum would be a great addition for Zen, being able to showcase various event and historical items collected over the years of Zz, amongst various other exhibits. Funnily, there's a similar movement going on in Lvs at the moment. I guess we're all feeling nostalgic in the new year.

We also agreed that a library could make a nice addition in conjunction with the museum, showcasing some of the books players have written.

These builds will most likely end up near the shopping district in Zen, which hasn't been used for anything as of yet:


It was suggested we build the Museum out of cobblestone, but unfortunately the plan fell through due to several small, coincidental reasons and the fact that no one but Mellori seems to like cobble.


Zedkin Hall

We then spent the next half an hour remodeling stairs to feature more curves, and commenting on the declining standards of walls.

The Zedkin hall, which originally featured stone brick walls, has been in transit toward sandstone walls for a while now, and we decided that we'd get our act together and actually do something with it right away, that very instant, next meeting, after we've voted on it, twice.



Having successfully spent all our time almost doing something, we sorta drifted off from the meeting to work on Zen. Some say, the Zedkins are still out there, somewhere... and that one day (probably the 2nd of February) they will return. But until then, I leave you with the secret to eternal life:

Place more cob-