
Zedkins 18-01-20

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 18-01-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes


Arrows may be returned, post haste.

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick Treiskaideka
LadyBountiful Jasmyn01
Dogzack123 SneakySkeleton

Due to his broken computer, Snickaaman has been unable to attend the meetings for the last two months, and has decided to resign from the Zedkins. If he wishes to rejoin upon his return, he is more than welcome to be voted back in.


This meeting saw both Jelmer and ABParadigm in the viewing seats, which perhaps led to more floating invisibility potions and lit arrows alighting than necessary.

Direction of the Zedkins, Redux

Last meeting we spent a while discussing what direction the council was heading, noting the low attendance of late.

We somewhat concluded, at the time, that we would focus on bringing new players to the server - through voting - and try to get current players more aware of the Zedkins and what they do in the server.

Back to this meeting - we looked back over the last two weeks and noted there has been a good improvement to the player count, with more Zedlings being online over the day, and a small influx of new Zookies. However we also discussed the attendance of the Zedkins Council itself.

The Zedkins employs a strike system, where Zedkins accrue strikes when not attending meetings without excusing themselves. Recently we have been rather lax in enforcing these strikes, and we decided that unless something were to change the low attendance would become a norm, if it has not already.

Attendance Strikes

It's a difficult situation to suddenly enforce something which we're not used to having to enforce - a situation we've probably made for ourselves. But recently I (Mell) have been having to both host the meetings and scribe about them afterward. I never really wanted to do so, since I often doubt myself and my actions, and having to be decisive through-out the meetings and then sit here and second guess everything and decide on the least offensive way of writing it all out is not fun.

That being said, we have decided to enforce the strikes gained from the past few months, leaving Treiskaideka, iiWolfyyy and Jasmyn01 at the full 3 strikes. We have decided that if they don't attend the next meeting, or at least have a good reason for not attending - stated on the pre-agenda - then we will have to remove them from the council.

I at least know that they will always be welcome back, if they do leave, and I hope that this deadline will result in better attendance in the future.


Lvs has Updated to 1.15.1

With the heavier topic out of the way, we cast our eyes to the ambassador of Lvs (Mr. Paradigm), whom elegantly regaled us with tales of the successful updating and various improvements that have hit our sister server.

"'Bout ta same, but, y'know, bit better all round."

Thank you, Mr. Paradigm.

Zed also mentioned that Zz would be updating "soon", which actually turned out to be very soon, as we are updating even as I write this!


Zen Christmas Buildathon

As has become a reoccurring topic of late, the Zen Christmas Buildathon is over and done with, with some wonderful festive builds.

Now all that's left to do is take the axe to them!

If you participated, be sure to collect the materials and prizes for the builds, which are in signed chests near to your respective plots.


Changes to who Hosts the Zedkins

We made a few changes to the wording of the Zedkins rules and regulations last meeting, which I did not note.

Mostly we clarified how choosing a host works, based on how we have been doing it these last few months.

The changes can be found here under "Meeting Agendas and the Director"


Zed Ends the Meeting in Style

Having trudged our way through various topics, we arrived at Zed, whom was up and raring to go.

First he asked us of any bugs we could think of, that we felt may not be fixed.

After thinking on it for a while, with Zed perhaps prematurely claiming himself as perfect, and that surely no bugs exist, we proceeded to spew forth bugs found, en mass.

Mainly chat bugs were mentioned, and quickly fixed by Zed - both the & and @ symbols causing a bit of mischief with the anti-spam.

Having tidied up our keyboards, Zed went on to announce a super special event!

Casual Buildathon

Sunday the 26th of January, 16:00-21:00 GMT

The event will run for 5 hours, over which you can join in at any time!

The theme apparently will not be sausages, though Mell is adamant that there's still hope.

Nysroch's Skin


Before we could wrap the meeting to an end, Nysroch stepped forth and asked if there was room in the Zedkins for another!

We all glanced at each other a bit (I think someone shrugged), voted on the matter (after somewhat of an interrogation), and are now ready to announce the newest Zedkin - Nysroch