
Zedling Council Meeting 2016-06-18

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Originally posted on the forums.


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • PurpleTurtle42 (Host)
  • Dax23333
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Hominix
  • Haztec
  • OneEyedTurtle
  • Forseth
  • RageSquid
  • Acerprocy
  • EarthCow
  • ScarySpider


  • Memery
  • QueenZoe
  • ThatNurd

([20:37:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <EarthCow> Thatnurd says hes doing school work and is sorry. I told him to post on the forums)


  • Etho_
  • DarthDuck84


Rank/colour for 1000+ hours played. (OneEyedTurtle)

Much discussion of this took place. Varios things were suggested, including badges like Zz's zesty badge, changing to a dark variant of a colour on 1000 hours and giving out a prize (custom map) on reaching 1000 hours. Nothing solid was decided, apart from that name colours were not be changing.

Crypt Wars! (Dax23333)

Yay another update. This one added a much better loot system which was well recieved.

Zedwork Recource Pack (PurpleTurtle42)

PurpleTurtle42 has been making a recource pack, thinking about doing one for the server. It is possible for the server to send a recource pack, but many people use thier own. Zedwick said he would consider one that added specific things useful for the server, rather than just changing textures. Examples would be custom models, sounds used for warps and other things.

Pvp (RageSquid)

RageSquid suggested turning pvp on for a short period as a test. This will not be happening, and was immediatly said no to by Zedwick and LadyBountiful. Zedwick then told the council of the early days of lvs when pvp was enabled. Spawn was full of new players killing each other, so much so that a new rank was made to keep the peace. This resulted in the Defender being ganged up on and killed by new players. Not good.


Welcome dawidcov to the council!

Next Meeting Host

EarthCow will be hosting the next meeting in 2 weeks time, on the 2nd of July 2016.