
Zedling Council Meeting 2021-05-01

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 01:57, 3 May 2021 by Memery (Talk | contribs)


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • Ladybountiful
  • Mellorian (Host)
  • Memery (Scribe)
  • Dax23333
  • Spectatre
  • iij2000x
  • DarthDuck84


  • ABParadigm
  • Neytan269
  • Forseth
  • TheMrPayne

No Apologies

  • Sneakyskeleton
  • SooprJ


  • Boband
  • Pettmol

Mell took us on a wild ride to a cobble filled fever dream. With the threat of death very apparent, the council was forced to stare directly into the cobble and attempt to not get consumed by it...


Speed Boat Precision Racing - Boband

Boband took to the floor and opened up the cobble... I mean meeting.... with a topic about cobble! Wait no, it was about High-speed precision boat racing!
He brought up that in order to fulfill his dream of cobble, sorry "high-speed precision boat racing", he would require a LIST OF MANY THINGS.
This list included but was not limited to: Lily pads, red wool, and boats. The council suggested he cobble together a forum cobble to inform people of the cobble he needed. Cobble.

Ready Zeddy GO! Season 2 Episode 4 - Spectatre and Memery

Spec, being the more competent of the dynamic gameshow hosting duo, took centre stage to announce that the next installment of Ready Cobble GO!

Sunday 23rd of May 2021 4pm BST
Will the pumpkins keep their cobble or will the cobble cobble take back their cobble by winning?

Revamping the End and See other builds tour - Pettmol

Pettmol turn red to enquire as the whether the end was messy on purpose or if the Zriends don't tidy up very well
When it was concluded that the Blue's wook look into it, the discussion was again brought up about revamping the end. Unfortunately, no one seems to have any brilliant creative ideas so the Blue's agreed to tidy things up a bit until a pretty idea was suggested
Not wanting the scribe to type any more "=" signs, Pett smushed two topics into one.
Pett would like to organise an event to visit builds around the server and have it be a weekly or monthly event.
It would be really nice to show off in a more targeted way and offer inspiration or feedback to a player's build. Keep an eye out for more information on this in the coming days? Cobble!


Zed disappeared for the bit so Discount Zed and illustrious host Mellorina stepped up to do the work for him cobble!

Casual Buildathon - Sunday April 25th 4pm - 9pm BST

Nominations/Next Meeting

Khasorn was re-nominated in, and welcomed back with open arms!
IIJ is hosting the next meeting in 2 weeks time!