
Zedling Council Meeting 2017-07-15

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Host: Hominix

Scribe: Memery


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Memery
  • Sneakyskeleton
  • Aravero
  • ABParadigm
  • Swayed_Light (BillTheAlbatross)
  • Spectatre
  • EmpressBethany
  • Tjob


  • Dax23333
  • Forseth
  • FunkyTechinician
  • drbwen

No apologies

  • Haztec
  • ElixirL


  • EliasRipley
  • MissBrough


Milky Way: AmirTheTurtle

A hush falls over the council as Hominix stepped up as the speaker in his lovely new tower in Blutopia. We then immediately passed off his speaker role to Amir, who kicked off the meeting with his "Milky Way" idea. Amir explained to the council his plans to build a big (very big, in fact) room out of black concrete. The idea is the room would represent the vacuum of space. He would then invite players to come and build Spacey goodness inside the room. This could be anything from planets to satellites, meteors to alien spacecraft (Hominix looked very excited at that prospect). He initially suggested the room would be 200*200*100. There was also talk it could be built half in the ocean or dug into a deep hole (To minimise the impact from build height restrictions. Hominix suggest he make a forum post and make one he did! If you're interested just follow this link - The Milky way Project. We then moved on (Sort of).

New mini game concept: AmirTheTurtle

Amir decided to hog the speaking stick again (OG council members will get that reference) and talk about his mini game that is currently flooding the server (in a good way, like the water is wet and warm not cold and...dry? That analogy works, right?) He decided to announce a concept he had for a game after elytra cores was done (he seems optimistic he’s going to get this game out before mc becomes obsolete, good for him) He wants community feedback. The game will be called "Attack on landing" (Patent pending) and will involve even more space. I hope you guys like space. The game will involve two teams (attack and defense) who will battle it out for control of a space ship. The defenders will have 3 minutes to set up defenses after which the attackers will... attack... what did you expect would happen? He then carried on rambling for a little while, I made some toast, it wasn’t cooked well enough for me but never mind. Elias also got killed by a zombie, clearly, he should've stayed to watch the council meeting. I think the decision was to get to work on it and make a forum post!

Elytra Cores: AmirTheTurtle

Next, Amir lost his speaker status and then got it back again, because what is happening in this meeting... Amir then talked about some progress and stuff and bug fixes for Elytra Cores. He went on to ask for more unwitting folks to come and play his game so he can beat them and watch them cry (i.e. beta test). I'm paraphrasing of course. Then some more stuff and things and boss battles and special events and Dax the Vampire, Hooray!

A whole new WARRRPPP: Zedwick

Amir had another 8 topics to discuss, but unfortunately, he had developed cramp in his fingers and was forced to pass on his speaking powers (I assume he developed cramp, one can only guess). Zedwick then stepped up to the mark to announce a BRAND-NEW WARP-hills. This came as a complete shock for all (except for the people who attended the last meeting or read the Council notes). Zed proclaimed that a mayor must be anointed before the warp can open. Elections will be held at some point in the near future, a forum post is already available for those brave enough to apply for the position - (Click here). Zedwick then went on to talk about what a mayor actually has to do, I know shocking, work and responsibilty. These details will be finalised closer to the warps opening.

Memery's Skin Business: Memery

A brilliant light burst forth from the heavens as Memery boldly snatched speaking powers from Zedwick (who retreated, humbled). He wanted to remind everyone he is making skins for anyone who wants one (even though he has now got a full-time job and no spare time). He wants to remind everyone to be patient if they have requested a skin but also encouraged others to request one if they so wished. Please post any requests on the forums, otherwise Memery will forget you (Sorry).

Next Build off 30th of July and Next UHC 13th August: Zedwick

Zedwick politely asked Memery to return speaking powers to him to announce the next Build-off and UHC. I put the details in the title to save you time. If you made it this far through the topic, good job, have a gold star.

New Council Member

Finally, the council decided to vote on their newest member. No surprises for guessing it was Amir-Onehundredtopics-TheTurtle. Welcome, Amir! I'm sure you'll make a fine edition to the council!

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be on 29th July at 8 pm BST, and will be hosted by AmirTheTurtle.

Hope you all enjoyed these notes. All comments were made in jest, love you all lots xxxxx ~ Memery