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Revision as of 03:14, 22 November 2019 by Etho (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Etho_''' (formerly '''''DrazMC''''') has been a member of Zedwork since mid-2015, mainly playing on the LVS server. Etho was one of the Zedwork YouTubers (not to be confuse...")

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Etho_ (formerly DrazMC) has been a member of Zedwork since mid-2015, mainly playing on the LVS server. Etho was one of the Zedwork YouTubers (not to be confused with EthosLab) but has since retired after many real life changes, burning him out of the YouTube career for the moment.


Etho_ joined Zedwork on August 11th, 2015. Venturing into a new world, after barely escaping the clutches of a server plunged into chaos and infighting, he made his way through the Forest Hills Warp, settling down on a small island in the middle of an ocean, with nothing but a few supplies he had picked up from the community farms. After meeting with other members, he was invited to become a resident of the now abandoned City of 'Murica. Building a small RV, and taking part in the community's events, Etho_ became a fully fledged Zedling member. As the days went by, the city began to lose its population and spirit, with many players taking off into their own direction, or simply leaving the server for a long period of time. Realizing the city was falling, Etho_ met a sneaky skeleton by the name of SneakySkeleton, who invited him to set up near a ruined castle, to later become a magnificent and bustling city. Creating a small bunker inside of a hill, and a small tower on top, Etho_ began to lay the ground work for what would soon become The Kingdom. Gathering resources, digging out a massive base below the surface, and terraforming the land, after years of work, the Kingdom would soon rise up to become a glorious and powerful force to be reckoned with. Once the Kingdom became fully operational, two adjacent communities would rise with it, Alexandria and The Hilltop Colony. As the years went by, Etho_ met knew members, welcoming them into a new and exciting world, filled with adventure and history, taking part in many of the server's events, and realizing he had found his true home, after years of searching.


The 'Murcian RV

The Kingdom

Starting in November of 2015, the Kingdom would become the main base of Etho_, with a massive underground complex beneath the surface. After years of working, Etho_ began to write the lore for the Kingdom, to further expand its history. History of the Kingdom: Many years ago, a king and his family sought out refuge after having their home wiped out by the sinister Ender Empire, a force of power hellbent on destroying the many worlds throughout the realm of Minecraftia. The king and his family found a small, ruined keep, buried deep in the woods, claiming it as their home. As time went on, the family began to work on building up the keep to turn it into a true home. Realizing its potential, the king laid out the ground work for a soon to be mighty kingdom, one to rule the land and show the Ender Empire their reign of terror would come to an end. Years went by, and the original king would soon die of natural causes, only to have his work be left in the hands of his two sons and one daughter to carry out and pass on to their children, and their children's children. After generations, the Kingdom would become a bustling city, filled with life and her people, who seek only one thing: To join in fighting the Empire with the other kingdoms, rebellions, and factions spread across Minecraftia.
