
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-05-02

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Revision as of 23:51, 2 May 2020 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Attendance== ===Council Members Present=== *Zedwick *LadyBountiful *Memery *DannyC96 *Spectatre *Dax23333 *SneakySkeleton (host) *ACERPROSPY *babybop224 *iij2000x *HOMINIX *...")

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Memery
  • DannyC96
  • Spectatre
  • Dax23333
  • SneakySkeleton (host)
  • babybop224
  • iij2000x
  • ABParadigm
  • SooprJ
  • MasterBoy269
  • KhasOrn


  • Forseth

No Apologies

  • Timoteey
  • Tjob
  • SamStorey


  • Mellorian
  • MistyHeart1_1618
  • Raysun

We all arrived at Sneaky's cosy hall, amazed to discover that the entire interior - green terracotta, flowerpots, crystal chandeliers - had been magicked up in the two hours prior to the meeting. That kind of skill is just cheating!


Hide & Seek, Search & Destroy

MasterBoy started us off recalling the great fun we had at Dax's hide and seek event, and wondered where the next location could be? Many council members shared his enthusiasm, with many offering potential suggestions for the future (once buildings or towns had been completed) Discussion then went to potentially having another firework paintball pvp, similar to the one ABP hosted a few months ago - people were set loose on an island, with a crossbow and fireworks, set on murdering and looting as much as they could. People were similarly nostalgic about this, and wanted to do this again. A location would possibly be easier to source for murder, as it only needed somewhere to die, as opposed to somewhere to hide. Enthusiasm was muchly but a fixed location was elusive - this was kicked to the forum for further discussion, with the aim to have landed on a location by next meeting. Thoughts, suggestions, hype? Go to the forum here: [Clicky]

Drr Drr Drr

Next up was the suggestion to extend the nether border tunnels up to 3k, as that was the distance previously mused upon for 1.16 resets. People were generally up for this as a sensible idea. Zed has not firmed up the definite plan for 1.16, and jokingly suggested resetting the entire nether which was met with many 'no' by the various blues who remember excavating them. Provisionally for 1.16, beyond 3k will be entirely reset, and possibly with partial resets beyond 4k. So don't build beyond 3k for now!

Humble Bundles

Rounding off his trio of topics, Masterboy asked for feedback on potentially selling 'bundles' in a future shop - mostly-redstone goodies to sell as a set. He was met with much encouragement by meeting folk. :D

Build a Bridge and Get Over It (via murder)

Following the success of recent Wednesday events (the aforementioned Hide-and-seek, and ZZ's PVP arena event earlier this week, Memery announced a [b]Round Robin Bridgewars Tournament[/b], taking place this Wednesday at 8pm BST. Bridgewars is a Zestygame where two teams attempt to destroy their opponents walls, using a wild variety of redstone-powered flying machines, including the [i]Lightning[/i] (super-speedy) [i]Guardian[/i] (arrow protection) and [i]Juggernaut[/i] (90% TNT). After a bit of circuit-fixing and re-breaking, it has returned into the zestygame options, so any zesty can host! If you want to take part in the tournament register your interest here! [Clicky]

Going Round the Bend

Spec announced the latest stop of the Tiny Build Tour! The TBT is a series of competitions set across different places of the server, where people are challenged to make a tiny build of some description. This latest stop is at [b]River Bend[/b], where you can build whatever you like, as long as it fits in the bendy plots provided. The contest will run for another two weeks - all entries get goodies, the winners get prizes! For more info check the forum thread: [Clicky]


[b]May 6th, 8pm BST[/b] - Bridgewars Tournament! Register your interest here - [Clicky] [b]May 13th[/b] - ZZ event (theme/rules/dress code TBZ) [b]May 20th[/b] - Rocket Wars event! (Time/location TBC on the forum thread - [Clicky] [b]May 31st, 4pm-9pm BST[/b] - Casual Buildathon!

Also (if you haven't gathered), BRIDGEWARS is back! Any Zesty can host the game, and rumour has it there's also a tournament happening on Wednesday :O

Nominations/Next Meeting

BengalBoi was nominated onto the council, and Spec will be hosting in two weeks!