
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-10-17

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 18:01, 19 October 2020 by Memery (Talk | contribs) (Added names to topics)


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • Spectatre
  • ABParadigm
  • KhasOrn
  • SooprJ
  • iij2000x
  • DarthDuck84


  • SneakySkeleton
  • MasterBoy269
  • Forseth

No Apologies

  • (Everyone was very well behaved)


  • Mellorian
  • Others..... I forget... I think Etho_ was there.

*Lights fade*

*Curtains open*

*Exterior shot of small island off the coast of Alan's base*

*Camera pans and focusses on Mem's face*

"Well this is a dump"

*Audience laughs and claps*

*Curtain closes*


Did you know it is nearly Halloween? Well, you do now... - Mellorian, ABParadigm and Memery

So the first topics all related to the various Halloween events that we have planned on Zedwork over the coming weeks:

1. Totally Memery's Skin contest: Link to forum thread

Summary: Everyone is to dress up as their favourite monster, ghost, or ghoul. Submit pictures of yourself, but bear in mind this is for fun and the glory of looking spooky.

2: ABP's Phantom hunt: Link to forum thread

Summary: Who can kill the most phantoms by 11:59PM GMT on October 31st (Halloween) will win unspecified goodies. In order to participate, just send a screenshot to ABP of your phantom kills. You can find this information by typing "!calc stat('killed.phantom')" into chat on either LVS or Zz!

3: Last but certainly not least (in fact its an actual event that is having a lot of effort put into it) The Fall of Dolour (oooOOooOOoOOooooOo): Imagine this link is the spookiest of all links

Summary: The premise is solving the mystery of the island of Dolour, where the residents have gone missing. the event will be taking place on Zz but is it a server-wide activity and you won't need to bring anything with you! It will start at 5pm GMT, October 31st and will aim to finish at 7:30pm in time for the LVS council meeting. Be there or you'll miss out on all the fun and be cursed for all time... But mostly you'll miss out.

That was the end of the spooky Halloween events! Funny how we nearly didn't have anything going on and then 3 events came all at once. They are like spooky busses. Reminds me of the triple-decker bus from Harry Potter. Wait a minute.... triple-decker bus, three Halloween events. Could it be... The Illuminati? *X-files music plays*.

DarthDuck's beginner hotel build off! - DarthDuck84


DarthDuck briefly took the stage to remind us all that the "New Beginner Hotel Build-Off Contest" is still going on over on Plotzy. We briefly popped over to Plotzy after the meeting concluded and there have been some amazing entries so far. You still have time to enter yourself before the contest closes on 24th of Oct at 10:00pm GMT. Here is a handy link to the forum thread.

Announcements - Zedwick

Casual Buildathon on October 25th, 2020 @ 4:00 PM GMT - 9:00 PM GMT! Zed says we'll even have access to world edit this time! The keen-eyed amongst you will notice I just copy-pasted this from the last meeting as there were no *new* announcements...

Nominations/Next Meeting

As we all knew he would, Mellorian finally caved and joined the ranks of the LVS council. Whilst he insists he will never do notes and that his heart is firmly with Zz, we welcomed him with open arms.

A brave SooprJ offered to host the next meeting on Halloween!

Just a quick shoutout to ABP for speedly hosting this meeting with no faffing and minimal setting people on fire!