
Hide and Seek - Crowfound Manor

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Hide and Seek - Crowfound Manor was an event hosted on LVS on November 18th 2020.

Following on from the success of the prior hide and seek championship in Auroluto, and wanting to reinstate the weekly Wednesday events, at an LVS Council meeting Dax23333 suggested another round of hide and seek. Newly elected to the Council, TheMrPayne quickly offered an area of his, Crowfound Manor, to the task. And with that, the event was on!

== HideandseekCM.jpg
13 players from across LVS and ZZ came for the event, and everyone was quickly given an invisibility potion and a seekers hat (aka Hat of Shame).
The rules were simple - one person would be picked at random to be the first seeker, and everyone else would drink an invisibility potion and scarper off to hide. Once the potion wore off, the seeker would have to try and find players, wherever they had hidden within the Manor's grounds. Once someone had been found, they donned their seeker's hat and joined in the search for other hiders. The game progressed until everyone was found.

First Seeker: Dave5400
Found order: Jasmyn01, Mellorian, Dax23333, TheMrPayne, iij2000x, MasterBoy269, Zedwick, dogzack123, Spectatre, OGBen_, Timoteey, Memery, SooprJ*


There was minor controversy about the order of the last two found. While SooprJ was the last declared to be found, and that was the result certified by the organisers, Memery maintains that they were both found at the same time. SooprJ declared 'noooooo' in chat prior to Mem being declared as found, suggesting both had been located simultaneously. Later Mem was quoted as saying it was a relief to not have won this time, though sources say he did privately request a recount. Not really, I'm memeing. Or am I?

First seekers: SooprJ/Memery - in deference to how closely they were both located, both SooprJ and Memery joined forces to seek people for the second round.
Found order: Jasmyn01, Masterboy269, OGBen_, Spectatre, Mellorian, Dave5400, dogzack123, Zedwick, MrPayne, iij2000x, Timoteey, Dax23333

PRIZES: After the second round, lovely prizes were handed out to commemorate the event, along with the statutory bragging rights
Last found, Round 1: SooprJ
Last found, Round 2: Dax23333 (receiving the Hoe of Crowfound Manor)
Most creative hiding spot, Round 1: Mellorian (who attempted to be inconspicuous with a neon pink skin)
Most creative hiding spot, Round 2: iij2000x (who hid on top of a divider in the bathroom stalls)
Most dangerous hiding spot: Memery (who managed to die from a creeper shoving him out a window)
Worst hiding spot: Jasmyn01 (found first each round)
Spot sharers: TheMrPayne and Spectatre (whose spots were so devilishly brilliant that other hiders thought of them as well)