
Zedling Council Meeting 2017-01-28

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Revision as of 01:41, 29 January 2017 by Memery (Talk | contribs) (I did the notes, you're welcome)

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Host: Swayed_Light

Scribe: Memery The Bold


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • MsKizz
  • Elixirl
  • Swayed_Light
  • Werble
  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • Sneakyskeleton
  • Hominix
  • Aravero


  • Acerprospy
  • Forseth


  • One227
  • Grover41
  • FunkyTechnician
  • Lovelylamb
  • Rhys210703
  • cheesebob64
  • PulsatorII
  • xCrazyElliotx
  • __M
  • One227


Height limit for market shops? - FunkyTechnician

Because Memery, gorgeous as he is, was not ready to speak, FunkyTechnician was the first to raise a topic. He wanted if there was a height limit in the spawn market. Funky wanted to clarify as 2 very large shops had recently been constructed that greatly overshadowed the other shops in the area. Funky wanted to point out: “when i reserved my plots, i got told to be considerate and not build skyscrapers...”. It was agreed that a shop height limit should be introduced as larger builds were an unfair advantage. The discussion went on for a while between two heights: 5 and 12 blocks. After a lot of tedious nothing it was eventually decided to be put to a vote: “!topic Vote yes or no for the height limit of market builds to be made 12 high.” The motion was passed. This was swiftly followed by another motion to confirm that a player can only have 1 plot, this was also passed with the condition that plots may be combined for group shops.

Topic: Inactive and or empty shops – Sway and One227

This topic. I don’t really want to get into it. There was so much back and forth and getting nowhere for about 40 minutes. I could just post the Bee Movie script in this section for all the good it would do. However, as this is an official set of “notes” I will just summarise: No decisions were reached and everyone went a bit insane. The topic was voted to be taken to the forums, discussed in more depth and brought up at a later meeting.

Ender Ender Market - Memery

Yay! More market stuff. By this point in the meeting Wise Memery decided everyone was sick of markets and simpley said these wise words: “I would like to move my topic to be discussed on the forums as it concerns implementing rules for the ender ender market”. Turly he is an inspiration to us all.

Come dine with me Event - Zedwick

Zedwick wanted to apologise for not doing anything about the “come dine we me” event lady B and himself were supposed to be organising. Thankfully everyone had forgotten it was even a thing and the topic of conversation quickly moved on after a number of zedwick’s apologies for being incompetent and bad at time management.

Changing regulation 11 - Memery

While adding the new regulations introduced in last meeting to the wiki page. Memery noticed a small hole in the regulations. Nowhere in the regulations did it say how one earns themselves an attendance ‘strike’. Memery brought this up with the council. Eventually, with a lot of word changing, the regulation was changed from: “If a council member does not attend a council meeting 3 times in a row, without prior notice and apology, they are considered inactive and removed from the council.” To instead read: “If a council member does not attend a council meeting, without prior notice and apology, they will receive an attendance ‘strike’. If a council member has a total of three strikes in a row at the beginning of a meeting, they are considered in-active. This means they will be removed the meeting after their third strike.” With all these regulations we will be a proper democracy before too long.

Elected members when Notes are missing - Zedwick

Zed wanted a community decision on what should happen if notes are missing from a meeting and a member is elected, it was suggested that two or more people check their logs to double check if the election is accurate and if anyone has any issue they can challenge that decision.

World border expansion – Grover41

After asking to bring up this topic around 40 times during the course of the meeting grover was finally able to ask what was up with the world border not being expanded. The simple answer zed gave was once again: “We don’t have the disk space for that much more server, sorry. At some point we will do but not yet :D”. I know I used quotation marks but I must point out zed didn’t say those exact words I am just paraphrasing. Sue me.

Announcement – Dax2333333333333 etc. etc.

Dax let everyone know cryptwars was back and better than ever and needed testing. Everyone howled with joy and ran off to play it immediately. Unfortunately, the game was not actually started for a further 30 minutes so perhaps the howls of joy were actually howls of terror and everyone got out while they could.

Announcement 2: The Return of Zesty Games – Zedwick

Zedwick then piggyback on dax’s announcement and trumped it with his own announcement! Bridgewars is coming back and will be available to play very soon. Everyone was very excited especially Memery because he’s good at it and likes winning. Soon Zedwork will be filled with saltiness once more, and I for one cannot wait.

Zedling of the week – Lady B

No Zedling of the week this week as Lady B mysteriously vanished during the 40minute discussion /pointless argument about the inactive shop topic. Nobody blamed her.


LovelyLamb and FunkyTechnician were nominated this week. In a shocking turn of events both received 4 votes each! Memery, being the only council member with all the regulations memorised, (geddit, I have them memorised and my names Memery. What a clever pun) correctly pointed out that present players took priority over absent ones and as such meant FunkyTechnician was lovingly welcome into the council! Welcome FunkyTech!

Next Meeting

New Member FunkyTechnician will host the next council meeting Feb 11, 2017