
Zedkins 11/11/17

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[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 11/11/2017

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Version

This episode of Zedkin's Seconds is brought to you by the Federation of Cobble!

Nothing says care and affection like a stack of crisp, clean cobble in your build!

Remember folks, we're always watching! o-o


This stunning, unedited piece by Wassily Kandinsky portrays the meeting in action.

I am your regaler, Mellori, and today I shall be reciting the epic, time-worn tale of the latest meeting!


First, the hit list - cough - attendance:






A muffled turnout, perhaps, but suitable for an in-between meeting such as this.

We'll be offering out cobble in the next meeting, however, to encourage people to attend. o-o


As our 'brave' company made their way to the Meeting Hall - wherein the decisions of the future shall be made and cookies shall be consumed in vast quantities - they were overseen by the magnificent Christmas Trei that has taken up residence in Zen:


A truly wondrous sight.


Upon the official opening of the meeting, our first topic was Halloween! Again...

1. Halloween

All present agreed that Halloween was a wonderful time, with both the Firework Show by LoneWolf and the Pumpking Event being fondly remembered.

You may view the video of the Rocket Show, captured by Treiskaideka, here.

Please note the breaking of Mellori's cobble by Sway at 6:36. Mellori will be bringing this up in court in future.

The shoots for the fireworks are a bit of a trap hazard at the moment, and will be cleaned up soon.

We thought about hiring a professional to do this, but decided anyone would do.

I mean, it's not rocket science.


2. Zen

Everything has been running pretty smoothly in Zen, recently.

One anonymous council member believes this is to do with regular applications of cobblestone.

Scientists are studying this, but so far results have been inconclusive.

One minor change will be to the farm tower storage system, which shall be going underground in light of recent admin raids. Wouldn't want them finding our stash of beets, now would we...

That or it could be something to do with the brash wall of chests that practically holds up the southern wall of the farm tower.

Definitely one of the two.


Treiskaideka suggested a Stuff-Elevator (tm), for transporting items to the lower level.

We had a sketch artist look at the description and draw it for us:


If you see this design, bring it in.

Dead or alive o~o


3. Zed's Announcements

Always the highlight of any meeting, Zed steps forward to amaze us with tales of adventure and treasure!

We all wait with baited breath as he rearranges his beard...

...It is a mighty beard...

...Even if slightly too long...

At this point several of the council members pass out from oxygen deprivation.

"Hello!" Says Zed, with a thrust of the aforementioned appendage. The response is somehow faint.

Zed goes on to thank everyone who attended both build-offs - the first being the Halloween build-off with the "Frightmare" theme, and the second being the Pumpkin Carving event. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say they were a great time for all!

He hints that, due to the positive response, there shall be more of these relaxed build-offs, such as the pumpkin carving, in the future.

After our resounding applause - in which most forgot to clap - Zed announced the upcoming events:

UHC 12/11/17, 6pm GMT

"Hope to see you there, so I may crush your limbs in the field of battle <3" says one enthusiast.

Build-off 26/11/17, 4pm GMT until 9pm GMT

"Hope to see you there, so I may crush your dreams in the field of plots <3" says one enthusiast.

Some more great news announced by our beard pariah has come to light:

Next weekend both the Cuberunner and Spleef Zesty games shall be making a reappearance and shall be available to be hosted by anyone, Zesty or not! A truly generous act by our overlords.


4. Strikes

Here we are again, keeping the local bowling alley in business!

The following receive a strike:




Both SneakySkeleton and Dogzack123 have excused themselves on the pre-agenda, and Stigma is still on the in-active list.


Thanks for sitting through this episode of Zedkin's Seconds, brought to you by the Federation of Cobble!

I'd continue the facial hair theme with an ending punchline, but I'm afraid I mustache!


Heh, mustache xD

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori