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Zriend, Zedling Council member, co-mayor of Savannah Springs, mayor of Swamp, creator of the Great Treasure Hunt and the zestygame Crypt Wars and all round epic guy, Dax23333 has been playing on LVS since the summer of 2014.


DaxDuck Castle

Dax23333 started out with real life freind MendedDuck, and they shared a castle near spawn that has remained mostly ungreifed to this day. Mostly abandoned, he only very rarely visits this place.

Paradise Prime

While Dax and MendedDuck were attempting to connect up a portal to a build very close to Swamp Warp a mistake in the coordinates (entirely the fault of Dax) resulted in the digging on a 100 block nether tunnel to the middle of nowhere, with SneakySkeleton being dragged in to help dig. Not wanting to waste a perfectly good tunnel, Dax journeyed across the ocean to the point where the tunnel ended up. This resulted in him being marooned by a sheel half way and having to swim. After a long and arduous journey he finally reached the point where the nether portal should be placed. This happened to be on a small and very pretty island, which he promtly claimed as his own and built on. This has remained the main base of Dax to this day.

Nowadays Paradise Prime has run out of land, and heavy expantion underground has been done instead. A nearby island was acquired, which had previosly not been built on due to what appeared to be a claim. The Paradise Suspension Bridge was built to cross the ocean in between the two islands.

Paradise Soars

Needing a place to make villagers, Dax looked to the sky and saw security and the possibility for a spectacular build. Paradise Soars was founded a short distance from Paradise Prime. It is formed of many flying islands connected by bridges, and has a rollercoaster, Dax's council chamber and an elytra course.

For the 1.9 update an end island was built to grow purpur on. It has become known as Paradise Ends, and is a short distance from Soars. It now features an end city along with the purpur farms.


With the return of MendedDuck a new project was in order, and together Dax and MendedDuck searched for a place to build a big town with castles and stuff. The expedition started by putting down a nether portal at Dax's nether base, already very far from spawn. The expedition ended when they went through this portal and ended up in a completly unpopulated area with two large mountains and flat ground for building all around.

Super Secret Hideout

Dax23333 also has a super secret hideout. It's super secret.

Community Projects

Paradise Prismarine Farm

The first public guardian grinder opened on the server, this is a huge farm which covers the maximum spawn area. Around the grinder itself is a public store room, a mini golf course and an 8 furnace auto smelter for all the fish that it makes. The farm is capable of being used for xp. This requires potions, but there are farms there for most of the ingredients.

Savannah Springs Hub

Dax worked with HOMINIX to build the new Savannah nether hub, and designed some of the rooms.

Great Treasure Hunt

A journey through dark and dangerous dungeons built around spawners, this event was made in 2015. It is still open to this day, and may be completed at any time.

Ender Ender

Led the building of the 1.9 ender ender, which many members of the community took part in.


Crypt Wars

Dax is the creator of the zestygame Crypt Wars, his first minigame. It was begun in early March of 2016 and was released on the 31st of July 2016.

Dungeon Dash

Dax's 2nd project was the command blocking for the spectacular game Dungeon Dash featuring many awesome things. He worked alongside HOMINIX, Zedwick and Memery to build the game which is finally looking somewhat ready in early 2018.


The minigame DartZ was started as (yet another) side project from Dungeon Dash, and is almost bug free, maybe! Dax worked along side HOMINIX again for this game.