
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-01-27

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Revision as of 00:20, 29 January 2018 by Memery (Talk | contribs) (ABParadign - LVS Postal Service)

Host: Lone_Wolf_234
Scribe: Memery The Gorgeous and handsome and modest and handsome again and scribing again apparently


Council Members Present

  • Lone_Wolf_234
  • ABParadigm
  • Memery
  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Aravero
  • FunkyTechnician
  • Dax23333
  • Spectatre


  • _Swayed_
  • EmpressBethany
  • EliasRipley

No Apologies

  • Entity009
  • AmirTheTurtle
  • Forseth

Other Zedlings Present

  • Sooprj
  • ElixirLuv
  • KhasOrn

This meeting was hosted in Archville, the home of xRatitoyFearex (There's some Xs in there somewhere I am sure). The council chamber was stunning, well done indeed.


Lone_Wolf_234 - Additional Warp room for old warps

Lone started the meeting off by bringing up a suggestion from Elias on the council meeting pre-agenda. Elias had an idea that old/discontinued warps should be allowed to remain semi-relevant with the addition of a new warp-room! The idea being that players can use this room to easily access the old warps.

On this initial point, Spectatre pointed out that all warps have a clear and well-constructed nether hub tunnels at the top of the Spawn nether hub. These tunnels allow quick and easy access to all warps, including those that had been discontinued. This meaning that it was probably unnecessary to have a new room with warps to the old warps (Is everyone still with me, maybe I should go on and find some alternative words for “warp”).

After a general muttering of agreement, Lone decided that elias second idea, a museum for the people. This point pertaining that there should be a place that lets players know what “stuff” can be found around the server (farms, mob griders, POI etc.) This brought up a discussion about making immortal items frames in protected areas (for some reason) which didn’t really go anywhere. Zed saying that the Blue Slaves could contact him if they wanted immortal item frames in protected areas. Dax later pointing out that a shop in the market already existed for players to note down any points of interest on the server at the market. Seeing as no one had noticed this, maybe it needs advertising better. Maybe we need a place that lists places that players can note down a list of points of interest on the server! Wait, what?

Memery (Me) - Expand the world border (AKA Zed’s favourite discussion)

So, this was my topic and I know what you’re thinking “omg not this again” well yes, this again get over it. 1.13 is on the horizon and with it comes some super exciting new ocean content. However, unlike the previous additions to the oceans (ocean monuments), this new ocean content will not retro-generate. While that sounds like a modern day 70s style discotheque club, it means that old chunks won’t have the new content if they have previously been loaded in. LVS is very heavy on the disc space which has been brought up before, so Zed will have to do some sort of magic (maybe similar to the end resetting, maybe not) in order for us to go where no Zedling has gone before, but he said he will definitely be looking into it (Uh-oh).

ABParadign - LVS Postal Service

ABP was up next and decided to lighten the mood somewhat after a dull discussion about world generation... ABP noted that a previous meeting had had a topic about offline messaging, and while Zed’s solution was to “use the forums” as the LVS pre-meeting agendas prove, only Forseth and Mellori seem to use the forums (exaggeration for effect). And while people seem, to be reluctant to just check the forum more, they wanted a way to message players offline. Here’s where our brave hero steps in.

ABP stated he had an idea for a thing called “LVSPS”. The PS standing for “Postal service”! ABP wants a nice mailbox system that player can sign up to and check every now and again to see if anyone wants them for something. Everyone seemed to think it was a somewhat unnecessary idea, they decided that it was probably better to just keep their mouths shut and let ABP do his own thing, bless him. In conclusion, ABP is planning to set up shop (after much discussion) in the end! If you want a Post Box where players can send you nice offline messages, speak to ABP! Wait, how do we contact him if he’s offline? Oh bugga…

Zedwick - Command blocks are out and functions are in

That’s about it, the clue is in the title. Zed let us know that he’s broken up with his long-time partner “command blocks” and is now in the honeymoon stage with his new-found love, “functions”! I’m so happy for them both. With only a couple of hiccups, like the market no longer being protected (luckily ABP noticed). Everything else has gone well, hooray!

Zedwick - Making a new Slave

In a move that surprisingly surprised a lot of people (It’s only surprising that it didn’t happen sooner though, let's be honest) Zed promoted (or demoted you decide) our longest playing player on the server, Aravero, to the rank of Zriend! And, oh my, does her name look gooooood in blue! Ara was humbled (because of course she was its Ara) and was promptly murdered by Spec in the PUHC after the meeting (Jealous doesn’t look good on you Spec tut tut).

Dax23333- DartZ and The Bone Yard

After the celebrations of the room had died down, Lone tried to end meeting early, bad lone, spirits must be crushed at every meeting! Dax took up the speaking role for 1 final topic. His announcement that DartZ is now and hostable Zesty game for Zesty to host! Shame Dungeon dash is still in beta, clearly they found some spare time…

Anyway, Dax also announced that "The Bone Yard" was now open to the public. Located at Z: 1825 down the South Border Tunnel (the yellow one), the bone Yard is an advanced flying machine powered Wither Skull farm (and all other nether mobs [except ghasts] from blazes to pigmen)! This farm can produce a beacon in around 15 minutes so keep an eye out for the beacon market to fall faster than the price of !Zedcoin… The Bone Yard will also soon have another attraction as well, the server’s largest auto smelter! But you’ll have to wait for that to be made… In the meantime, stop by and grab yourself a bunch of wither skulls!

AnnouncementZ - Zed

Zed then did his usual announcements, Build-off tomorrow and a UHC in 2 weeks (11th of February)!

Will Spec be able to defend her title or will there be a new winner, forged in the fires of PUHC? Find out, in 2 weeks!

Nominations/Next Meeting

IKhasOrn was the only nomination and was successful in getting himself a seat on the council. He also agreed to host the next meeting in 2 weeks time! Welcome Khas!