
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-04-21

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Revision as of 15:12, 23 April 2018 by Memery (Talk | contribs)

Host: Spectatre the Creative
Scribe: Memery the bogged down with so much uni work, oh god send help I've written 13000 words for my dissertation ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful (in spirit)
  • Memery
  • KhasOrn
  • WolfGuy (Resigned)
  • Aravero
  • sooprj
  • EliasRipley
  • FunkyTechnician (Resigned)
  • Dax23333
  • Spectatre


  • Forseth
  • SneakySkeleton
  • ABParadigm
  • tim1996
  • _Swayed_

No Apologies

  • EmpressBethany (Removed from the Council)


  • Haztec
  • DragonMaster31
  • BenClass150
  • Earthcow
  • Nick_Mito
  • InfamousAmir
  • Raysun

This meeting was hosted in a beautiful hot air balloon made by our lovely host, Spectatre, and although It was a bit on the warm side (with all the hot floating about) for once people looked at me in my thong with a new-found envy. As my legs were fully exposed, I felt only a slight trickle of cool air while others began shedding layers to avoid overheating. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, try wearing thongs, it’s very liberating.


I - There are no topics - No one?

That’s right, the first thing, technically, that we discussed was that we had nothing to discuss. We all sat around quietly for a little while and thought back to our school days. “If no one preposes a topic in 15 minutes we are legally allowed to leave” is a saying that springs to mind. Spec waited patiently for people to PM her some topics while I started writing up attendance. It was like a lovely calm before the storm…

II - Wolfguy, more like WolfBye - WolfGuy

Sorry for making a joke out of this but I use humour to deflect from my true emotions when I’m feeling the urge to cry… WOLFGUY, NOOOO!!!! WAS IT ME? WAS IT SOMETHING I DID? WHYYYYY?
Ahem, so WolfGuy started out the meeting on a very sad note, letting the council know that he was resigning. As a mostly Zz player, he had learnt enough about our server, and he no longer needed to spy on our very exciting meetings. Also, he said something about wanting his Saturdays free to do something other than sit in meetings. Poor Zed, that’s all he ever gets to do…
So, to summarise, farewell (not really) to Wolfguy, I’m sure we’ll see you on Bridgewars or on PUHC, thank you for your time on the council!

III - Elias vs Memes - EliasRipley

Elias arrived late to the meeting and with his lateness, he bought a nice topic for us to waffle about for 30 minutes. Thanks, Elias. Elias had noticed an influx of meme maps being posted around the place and wanted to know what the heck was going on? Dax and other meme co-conspirers giggled with joy at the thought of their memes all over the server.
After some discussion, Zed laid down the ruling that no memes were to be posted in the spawn town. Warp towns have been declared fair game but memeing, in general, has been asked to cool down a little. Elias diplomatically suggested that a meme room is created like for horribly warped version of ‘iFunny’. Perhaps it should be called ‘zFunny’. I should write that down… hey look I already did. Whether or not zFunny will become a thing, we shall have to wait and see. Now that map art is on the rise there’s no telling what memes could happen next…

IV - Funkytechnician? More like… um… FunkyTechNOcian - FunkyTechnician

Ok, this one was a bit of a stretch and you have to give me credit for trying, right? Right…? FUNKY, NOOOO!!!! WAS IT ME? WAS IT SOMETHING I DID? WHYYYYY?
Yes, the council took another huge blow with the resignation of Funky from the council. After being a bit burnt out of Minecraft and not playing on the server except for council meetings, Funky has decided that he would like to step down from the council. While assuring us he will be back soon, in the meantime, the server will seem a little less full without you… Thank you Funky for your work with the council and we hope to see you get bitten by the Minecraft bug again soon.


Wow what an emotional meeting! It’s time we all had some good news:
PUHC IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOST BY ZESTY+ SUBSCRIBERS! And guess who’s a Zesty+ Subscriber? You better believe I am, Muhahahahaha! See you all on the battlefield… Sneaky, you’re not invited…
With this announcement also came the news that some DLC will be added to the game in the coming weeks. Are we getting sword skins for the low cost of $15 each? Let’s hope so, I do love some micro-transactions. Maybe some loot boxes? I can’t wait…
Moving on from the PUHC announcement, the next casual build off will be held NEXT SUNDAY (29th of April) and you’ll have to wait until the 13th of May for the next UHC. Will this be unlucky 13 for Sneaky? Let’s hope so…

Post-scripts/Nominations/Next Meeting

There were no nominations this meeting, Dax23333 offered (fairly enthusiastically) to host the next meeting. So I guess we'll see you all in two weeks!